Example sentences of "it [adv] follows that " in BNC.

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1 If the pre-1936 right can thus be considered ‘ objectively ’ fascist , it obviously follows that the same is true of the wartime alliance that emerged from it and of the Franco regime forged after October 1936 .
2 Since the eyes are an important organ of balance , as well as sight , then it naturally follows that , if we are thinking about the future or the past while walking or standing , rather than playing attention to whatever we are doing , our whole body balance is going to be affected .
3 It has to be recognized … that in order for the idea of tool to exist , there have to be ideas that are not in themselves tools , and that in order to attribute a certain value to a tool , it necessarily follows that not every value is that of a tool limited to the production of others .
4 Suppose it is known that a certain element A stands in a relation R to a second element B. If R is an asymmetric relation , then it necessarily follows that B does not stand in the relation R to A ( the relation of B to A in that case is the converse of R ) .
5 A symmetric relation , on the other hand , holds simultaneously in both directions ; ‘ is similar to — ’ is a symmetric relation , so if A is similar to B , then it necessarily follows that B is similar to A. The second indispensable property for the relation of dominance of a hierarchy is the capacity , in principle at least , to form indefinitely long chains of elements .
6 If " Jones is a man " is true , then , of course , it necessarily follows that something falls under the concept man , i.e. " For some x , x is a man " is true also .
7 And if so , then , given that such statements are sometimes true , it necessarily follows that there is more than one entity in the world .
8 Since recruitment is mainly by procreation it necessarily follows that , in most cases , a substantial proportion of any such population will be related to one another as biological kin ; but just how they are related can not be known and , from a social anthropological point of view , this fact of biological kinship is of no great interest .
9 If the Union must have a security structure of its own , it necessarily follows that it has needs which are not covered by Nato and interests which go beyond the mutual defence guaranteed by the North Atlantic Treaty .
10 It usually follows that a large corporation has a high credit status , in which case there is not problem .
11 Even if I allow him to scribble down a few paragraphs of his own fiction ( and I do not see why I should ) it still follows that any words he might write must in the first instance be composed by me .
12 This is true for all points above the LM curve and it similarly follows that upward pressure will be exerted on interest rates at all points below the LM curve .
13 Greater involvement may lead to increased job satisfaction and security for all staff , but it also follows that as support staff become more aware of the value of their contribution to the school economy , they acquire a more powerful bargaining position .
14 It also follows that the defences provided by s.94(4) and s.94(5) and s.95 of that Act will still be available to the defendant .
15 It also follows that the quality of orchestra playing may be more than usually critical .
16 It also follows that the work of those sociolinguists and ethnographers who attempt to discuss language in terms of user 's purposes will also be of interest .
17 It also follows that if the system is to survive , its various parts must have some degree of fit or compatibility .
18 It also follows that , although offenders do forfeit some portion of the rights citizens should normally enjoy , they still retain the status of human beings and therefore retain important human rights ( Richardson , 1995 ) — a point on which we are closer to some retributivist thinkers than to classical utilitarianism .
19 It also follows that the common law principles , whatever they may be , are applicable to a case such as the present , unconstrained by the provisions of any statute .
20 It also follows that the county court decision in the case of Kyriakou v. Pandeli [ 1980 ] C.L.Y .
21 It also follows that one can not talk specifically about ‘ marked theme ’ in FSP theory , since the question of producing a marked theme by putting an element in initial position in the clause assumes that initial position is reserved for theme .
22 It also follows that any sufferer primarily addicted to one of these other drugs will tend to be cross-addicted to alcohol .
23 It also follows that in such an advanced mechanized world the scope for cost reduction will be limited once manufacturing has commenced .
24 Out of this theory it also follows that the uniqueness of each individual construct system necessarily means that there can be no straightforward response to a stimulus but only a multiplicity of interpretations .
25 It also follows that in looking at whether to call in , Ministers do not consider the planning merits of the proposal , but only whether the kind of issues that need to be decided are more appropriate for consideration in a wider than local context by the Secretary of State .
26 It also follows that the fact that a variation order has been issued after the contractual completion date does not necessarily provide grounds for an extension of time .
27 It also follows that any assets brought into the marriage at its commencement by either party should be left out of the reckoning on divorce as well .
28 Every individual 's speech is different from any other 's ; it follows from this that no one speaker can be taken to represent a particular accent or dialect , and it also follows that the idea of a ‘ standard Received Pronunciation ’ is a convenient fiction , not a scientific fact .
29 Whilst , however , it clearly follows that we have jurisdiction to entertain this application , it is a good deal less clear that we should be prepared to do so .
30 If the primary function of repression is to prevent the return of the repressed , it clearly follows that any theory which describes that repressed material runs the risk of being confused with it and coming under attack just as the original repressed elements would do if they attempted to struggle back into consciousness .
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