Example sentences of "the latter part of " in BNC.

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1 An upturn in tonnages was recorded in the latter part of the decade , however , and the threat of at least one further pipeline receded when Total Oil renewed a major contract with BR in 1988 .
2 In the latter part of the book Richards discusses the reports on the ‘ protocols ’ , the anonymous reports on the anonymous poems or extracts the respondents had been given to read .
3 By the latter part of the next decade , Nissan , Toyota and Honda could be producing nearly one million vehicles in the UK alone , according to some industry analysts .
4 So I feel a terrific relief and release that in the latter part of my business life I 've been really able to make things happen at a considerable speed .
5 But by the latter part of the 1970s he experienced an irresistible urge to return to the private sector and he had a very clear idea of how he would go about it .
6 In the whole country only two lorries had been hijacked during the latter part of May and neither was on Hatton 's regular route .
7 During the latter part of the night , in spite of having had no sleep , feelings of fatigue begin to diminish .
8 Thus the plant can , during the latter part of the night , move its leaves to a position appropriate for sunrise ; predatory animals can prepare themselves for the activity of hunting and hunted animals can escape to safety before it is too late .
9 After a flight to the west , meetings should take place in the morning by new local time rather than in the latter part of the day .
10 In the latter part of the story , the monster and Dymer are involved in an Oedipal struggle , and the father is killed .
11 Let us take one more , this time from the latter part of the century ; it comes from a letter written by the Lancashire engineer and philanthropist , F.W. Crossley , describing the death of his son , Richie :
12 Towards the latter part of the first century , Rome 's presiding cleric named Clement wrote on behalf of his church to remonstrate with the Corinthian Christians who had ejected clergy without either financial or charismatic endowment in favour of a fresh lot ; Clement apologized not for intervening but for not having acted sooner .
13 During the latter part of the century visits by famous Nonconformist ministers as great public figures , and not as denominational delegates or visiting preachers , became part of American cultural and religious life .
14 BECAUSE Easter is , this year , in the latter part of April , spring lamb will be more easily available than usual .
15 Many of these are now professionally translated and produced and are supplanting the pirated , crudely photocopied sex books and pamphlets that appeared in the latter part of Gorbachev 's rule .
16 A vast inshore field of Scottish genius was struck in the latter part of the 18th century .
17 English copies would have been available in Europe and mention of distribution in the new American Colonies has been made , so it was an internationally known work by the latter part of the eighteenth century .
18 During the latter part of the eighteenth century several handsome houses were built overlooking the river there and the name became ‘ Strand on Green ’ , and not until the early part of the nineteenth century did the present name of ‘ Strand-on-the-Green ’ become formally adopted .
19 One of the National Schools — which were aided , in the latter part of the nineteenth century , by voluntary societies and the Church , with assistance from Parliament — was established at Strand-on-the-Green , off Back Lane , in 1874 , and became the Strand-on-the-Green School .
20 The establishment of the West German state in the latter part of 1948 , enabled plans to proceed for a general election there , in August 1949 , resulting , in 139 Christian Democrats ; 131 Social Democrats and 52 Free Democrats being elected , with extreme parties winning very few seats .
21 The primacy of the bureaucracy has historical roots ( like France ) : ‘ In Germany and Prussia the bureaucracy already performed the political policy of function of policy development more than 200 years ago , from the latter part of the eighteenth century onwards , high civil servants were virtually the ruling state . ’
22 The erection of the machinery , which was manufactured in London and transported to the head of the incline by canal , proceeded through the latter part of 1899 to practical completion in April 1900 , when trials took place.8 ; As a result of these trials , Thomas required some modifications to be carried out , after which final acceptance trials took place in May , 9 ; followed by an Official visit — perhaps the opening — by the Committee on 11th July , 1900.0 ; The photographs of the boats ‘ Marsworth ’ and ‘ Langley ’ passing through the lift were probably taken in April of that year .
23 Prejudices among critics in the latter part of the century toward the labouring class manifest themselves in an amusing ‘ Proclamation ’ appearing in The Monthly Review in 1778 :
24 Some of the first references are to a fulling mill , known during the latter part of the 17th century , as Fields Mill .
25 During the latter part of its life , it was run by G.H. King and Sons , who traded under the colourful title of the ‘ Kings of Egypt Mill ’ .
26 The latter part of the decade saw St Owens Mill start up , followed within a few years by the Island Street and Victoria Street Mills , Luker also involved with the latter .
27 By the latter part of the 17th century , the mill was part of the Manor of Stoke Orchard and Downing , and in 1805 , for £800 , mill and bakehouse were sold to Richard Evans .
28 It was during the latter part of the 19th century that Tewkesbury 's commercial decline began for , at the time of building of Healing 's substantial mills , many of the smaller cottage-based trades disappeared .
29 During the latter part of the 19th century , the mill was used by the Lane family in connection with their edge-tool business in Cirencester .
30 Much of the machinery dates from the latter part of the 19th century , as evidenced by the extensive use of iron parts .
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