Example sentences of "the view that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand all modern anthropologists and archaeologists would agree with the view that for a very long period of history mankind has existed solely by hunting , fishing , and gathering , and that such a technological stage always precedes domestication of plants and animals .
2 They do not necessarily contradict the view that for more serious crimes women are less severely treated then men .
3 It may well be that the jury took the view that at the outset of the relationship with each businessman the appellant may genuinely have intended to do the work but subsequently failed to do so .
4 In Harrogate District two opposing views have been expressed , Harrogate Civic Society seeking a reduction in the allocation by at least we think of er something in the order of ten hectares , David Lock and Associates expressing the view that at least a hundred , a hundred plus a hectares should be allocated .
5 For example British ministers of transport are fond of drawing attention to the view that on some criteria the UK has the safest roads in Europe .
6 ‘ Mr. Burgess in my judgment was clearly an experienced careful solicitor and I have no hesitation in accepting his evidence that he did form the view that on 26 March 1986 Mr. Winterbone was not capable of making a will for the reasons he stated — namely that he was incoherent and confused in the sense that he was unable to remember names and addresses and he was not at all clear in relation to the names of the people that he wished to benefit .
7 ( a ) The provision of article 10(1) ( e ) in the Convention on the Law applicable to Contractual Obligations 1980 ( ‘ the Rome Convention ’ ) , enacted into English law by the Contracts ( Applicable Law ) Act 1990 , that the law applicable to a contract shall govern , inter alia , ‘ the consequences of nullity of the contract , ’ supports the view that on the proper independent interpretation of article 5(1) the consequences of nullity must be treated as within the scope of the phrase ‘ matters relating to a contract . ’
8 Mr. Page took the view that on the true construction of section 34 of the statutes the university had no power to remove him from office and terminate his employment save for good cause .
9 The Supreme Court taxing officer takes the view that on the basis of the evidence that they have seen these figures are probably accurate and it is therefore for the paying party to show why the rates should not be applied .
10 Miss Logan looked at Amanda Fergusson cautiously , unsure how to express the view that to her humble and ignorant mind the punishment seemed excessive .
11 Indeed , I heard several times his lordship express the view that without the participation of such a personage , any discussion on the topic of Germany would be little more than an indulgence .
12 Comment on the view that without the economic difficulties experienced by Germany before 1933 , the Nazis would not have come to power .
13 Some of these writers have taken the view that as part of this class war management , on behalf of capital , have been able to steer the direction of technological change along a particular path , stimulating certain developments at the expense of others so that the interests of capital are better served , and the interests of labour are countered .
14 At least one taxing officer takes the view that as a rule of thumb he would be prepared to allow one hour 's perusals for each month of the litigation .
15 Well as I understand it the er these lawyers for the defendants took the view that as all the statements had been prepared for the police complaints authority investigation , public immunity er yes er public interest immunity attached to them .
16 They took the view that under section 34(2) of the Children Act 1984 they had the power to order that there should be no contact between the mother and the child , thus preventing the local authority from carrying out the rehabilitation plan .
17 Beveridge also held the view that throughout ‘ modern industry ’ there was a lack of mobility , a lack of communication , and ‘ wasteful duplication of the labour force ’ .
18 He confirmed the view that among perfectly ordinary people , who were neither Pharaohs nor priests , full brother-sister marriages occurred in a minimum of nine out of the 113 marriages he analysed , If the less certain cases are also included along with marriages between half-siblings , the proportion of incestuous marriages was of the order of 20% .
19 The Government takes the view that by giving employees a direct stake in the ownership and prosperity of the businesses for which they work , employers give their employees greater involvement and are able to focus the enthusiasm and commitment of those employees to their mutual benefit .
20 The Commission is of the view that by dividing the project into two , the requirements of the directive are circumvented there will be no environmental impact assessment of the project as a whole , taking into account the direct and indirect effects of the rail link and terminal . ’
21 Other evidence , such as the demonstrations in favour of Sacheverell in 1710 , or in favour of peace in 1713 , seems to reinforce the view that by the end of Anne 's reign public opinion was overwhelmingly behind the Tories .
22 The absence of individual marriages led Morgan to the view that in such a society a person must belong to the gens of the mother , not the gens of the father , because with such a system of marriage you could never be sure who your father was .
23 How about the view that in order for a computer to produce a real work of art , it would have to want to produce that art ?
24 In view of the decision in CIR v Eurocopy plc [ 1991 ] STC 707 , the Revenue takes the view that in practice alterations to the terms of approved employee share schemes that effect a change in the rights of existing option holders are unlikely to be approved .
25 The evolutionary story , to the extent that it can now be understood ( and to the much more modest extent to which I understand it myself ) seems to me to give some support to the view that in this respect the historical story means very much what it seems to mean .
26 Kilner , certain dicta would support the view that in some circumstances directors owe fiduciary duties to shareholders .
27 Decisions such as these show that the courts inclined to the view that in a conflict between the common law property right of an individual and the statutory powers of a local authority to interfere with those rights , the benefit of any doubt in statute was to be given to the individual — and that this was particularly so if the statute gave less than full compensation to the individual .
28 To provide customers with reliable guidelines for successful microwave combination cooking , we took the view that in the light of tighter temperature control in the food supply chain and stronger emphasis on the need to raise hot food to bacteria killing temperature , it would be safer all round to scrap previously attained cookery knowledge and start with a new set of rules , particularly since the ovens have undergone design specification changes and have dramatically more accurate controls .
29 The basis of future regional policy and its instruments was eventually to be found in the Thompson Report ( 1973 ) on the regional problems of the enlarged EC , which reaffirmed the view that in the long term , monetary union was not possible without an effective regional policy .
30 However , most respondents who were not themselves sole practitioners stopped well short of endorsing this argument although they were often inclined to the view that in choosing to practice in this way , sole principals should accept that the greater risk they represented to the profession should be reflected in increased contributions on their part to the Compensation and Indemnity Funds .
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