Example sentences of "of his father 's " in BNC.

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1 Because of his father 's incapacity , Leonard grew up with all the advantages of family prestige , and few of its responsibilities .
2 ( One of his father 's particular delights was found in the Reader 's Digest , perhaps an indication of his limited energies . )
3 The genteel and pleasant routine of life which he understood , despite the lengthening shadow of his father 's illness , was convulsed in 1943 , when Nathan Cohen died , and the family was plunged into loss and grief .
4 In a moment of youthful inspiration , the day after the funeral , he took one of his father 's bow ties , one reserved for special occasions , and opened up its seams , into which he infiltrated a message — his first poetic utterance , as he told his Spanish biographer , Alberto Manzano — long since forgotten ( or too painful to remember ? ) .
5 Leonard has been doubly cheated : of his father 's presence and his rightful position .
6 FRIDAY Alex Langdon is the fourteen-year-old son of satirical scriptwriter John ( Punch Newsrevue , and Rory Bremner gag writer ) who delivered some of his father 's best lines at this year 's Edinburgh Festival .
7 So of his falling in love with Mrs Moore we are merely informed that ‘ even if I were free to tell the story , I doubt if it has much to do with the subject of this book , ’ and of his father 's death in the late summer of 1929 that this ‘ does not really come into the story I am telling ’ .
8 Within a very few weeks of his father 's death , Lewis found himself obliged once more to take up the routines of an Oxford term : weekly tutorials , college meetings and lectures .
9 Jackie Nicklaus carries the burden of his father 's name and knows it does not hit golf balls for him .
10 Jackie Nicklaus carries the burden of his father 's name and knows it does not hit golf balls for him .
11 The qualities of independence , singularity of viewpoint , and readiness to move far afield in pursuit of his inner wishes ( a characteristic of his father 's early career ) were beginning to appear in the son .
12 Probably he resented and resisted the thrust of his father 's ambition for all his sons , but especially for Edwy , the eldest , so obviously gift ed with the academic ability for professional or ‘ establishment ’ success .
13 Then he caught glimpses of the freer way of life of his father 's bachelor brother and , as he explored and fished along the canal , got to know Dad Uzzell who remained a surrogate father-figure for the rest of Edward 's life .
14 ‘ Why until now , Dad ? ’ enquired Andrew , unaware of his father 's predicament .
15 Insistence on instant cause and effect was particularly prevalent among sects such as Plymouth Brethren , and Edmund Gosse , in recording his early life , has given revealing examples of his father 's inflexible thinking .
16 If the auguries for Branwell Bronte were , at best , uncertain , the same could not have been said of the last leave-taking of one of his father 's predecessors at Haworth , the Rev. William Grimshaw ( 1508–63 ) , of whom John Wesley wrote :
17 Children can react in a very matter-of-fact way , like the little boy who , in the aftermath of his father 's death , climbs into his mother 's bed in the mornings .
18 Jacob 's taking advantage of his father 's blindness and frailty , and his deceiving him at one of the most solemn moments of his life , are reminiscent of the shame and humiliation brought to Noah by his son Ham .
19 After a while , he took out one of his father 's old police notebooks and started to draw aeroplanes .
20 Even Dmitri 's sorrow had been mostly used up by the fading of his father 's life , remorselessly , year by year .
21 For the last 18 months of his father 's life , partly for professional reasons , Richard returned to England with his Canadian-born wife Shelley , a holistic health consultant , and cared for his father , weaning him off drugs through homoeopathic remedies , acupuncture and massage .
22 Van Leer inherited some of his father 's acumen but none of his money and certainly none of his love for money .
23 Young Joseph , soon to assume the burden of his father 's chieftainship , also inherited his father 's dignity and wisdom .
24 Beyond the Prospect of his Father 's Grove .
25 Clive Knox was then a teenager on the family farm right next to the construction site ; some of his father 's land was taken for the development .
26 Hearing of his father 's recovery , Lachlan leapt up the stair to visit him , but was turned from his door .
27 If this has to be done it must be ( for technical reasons ) within three years of his father 's death — by 30 May 1977 .
28 John , as a child , loved dressing up ; he and his friends played with old clothes kept in a big trunk , and his cousin Petrie writes that the costumes of his father 's club gave him opportunities to indulge in this game .
29 He had gone to stay during the school holidays with the children of a farmer who was one of his father 's clients .
30 His interest in them , foreshadowed by the pipe-cleaner dancers on their cardboard stages , was provoked by the gift of a puppet theatre from a friend of his father 's .
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