Example sentences of "the [noun] [be] talking " in BNC.

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1 Here again the highlighted nouns are not marked for number in any way and the Japanese reader can only guess whether the writer is talking about one or several fingers and tattoos .
2 The board were talking about you earlier this week .
3 The Führer was talking to the other man in a low voice and totally ignored them as he passed and descended the stairs at the other end of the passage .
4 PEOPLE in the West are talking about traps built into the proposed DDR travel liberalisation law .
5 The stranger was talking , the voice was metallic and occasionally high : The tone , Flavia thought she was able to discern , was worldly : a worldly French voice .
6 The stranger was talking with vivacity ; she was eating little and without attention ; her wine-glasses were untouched .
7 The Tibetan was talking in loud self-congratulatory tones about the religious statues and paintings that he 'd smuggled across the border and sold in India ; how time and again he 'd outwitted the border police , with silver , musk and contraband of every sort .
8 but the kids are talking like we talk .
9 It remains true that in Tate 's criticism and since ( for no advance has been made in this quarter ) ‘ rhythm ’ and ‘ movement ’ are wholly impressionistic — you hear what the critic is talking about , or else you do n't .
10 Meanwhile the Feldwebel was talking excitedly to the driver like a school-boy egging on an accomplice to do something which he is fortunately not in a position to do himself .
11 While the Feldwebel was talking to the driver of the car , the little soldier who was coming as an additional escort stood by the suitcase .
12 Er that is that at least three of the articles are talking to quoting different organisations er suggested that the playhouse theatre trust had been recommended to do something about their marketing er a at least two years ago if not longer ago erm certainly it 's my knowledge er they have not employed specialists to that they have not employed a specialist to that indeed since the last er appointed publicity officer left , that person that post has not been er refilled er could I ask the theatre trust why they have chosen not taken that recommendation seriously ?
13 The guard was talking to Evans as Morgan glared at the screen , then took out a cigar and clamped his teeth on it .
14 ‘ I thought that one of the most interesting things about the Manson case was how they thought that The Beatles were talking to them , and that they thought The Beatles were the four horsemen of the apocalypse mentioned in the Bible .
15 Old friends from the village were talking quietly among themselves , and I noticed the awful Pumblechook trying to catch my eye , as he drank brandy and swallowed large pieces of cake .
16 while the editor is talking to us .
17 The South is talking not of aid and advice , but of a new economic order , with just and equal sharing in trade , finance and technology .
18 The boy was talking riddles .
19 In 1980 the CDP was talking of CNAA ‘ dogmatism ’ , and in suggesting the establishment of a liaison body with the CNAA it looked for the establishment of a ‘ special relationship ’ .
20 The teacher was talking to the class .
21 In December , you hear people say , the Community was talking loftily about putting together a common European foreign and security policy ; but when the war started in January , they all went their separate ways .
22 It must be observed that only with difficulty and in a highly tentative manner can one find common ground between the theories discussed here ; in this conversation the participants are talking past one another .
23 The language we observe is the surface realisation of plans ; plans which are designed to produce sequences of actions which will solve the problem the participants are talking about .
24 Studies of actual usage seem to show that items placed in this position really do correlate with discourse topic , or what the participants are talking " about " , although not always in simple ways ( Duranti & Ochs , 1979 ) .
25 Just at the moment when the establishment figures on both sides of the Atlantic were talking about substantial cuts in military spending , when the role of the hawkish political leaders was being eclipsed , when the United States seemed to be floating away from its international role , and new self-confident Europe seemed to be on the verge of creation , Iraq invaded Kuwait .
26 The Archon was talking to his daughter .
27 Two weeks ago , the rector was talking about the unity of the body of Christ in the church ; as he spoke , he drew attention to a review of a new book by the Regius professor of theology at Oxford .
28 The tourist was talking about his homeland .
29 The armies are talking about closer planning of things like use of French ports .
30 Below is an extract from the field notes , where the field-worker was talking with two plain-clothes men :
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