Example sentences of "focused [adv] upon " in BNC.

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1 Towards the end of the campaign television focused more upon the two-party Labour versus Conservative battle and public expectations about Alliance performance declined .
2 Although Wren 's celebrated dome was not , in fact molested , the high-rise guidelines focused solely upon picturesque views and not upon symbolism ; with the result that St Paul 's is no longer the crowning achievement of the city , but dwarfed to seeming like a pimple upon a buttock .
3 The study focused mainly upon a group of twelve ‘ lads ’ in a school in Birmingham whom Willis followed around school and outside .
4 Concern for air pollution focused exclusively upon visible emissions , especially smoke .
5 What this mode of association requires for determining the jus of a law is not a set of abstract criteria but an appropriately argumentative form of discourse in which to deliberate the matter ; that is , a form of moral discourse , not concerned generally with right and wrong in conduct , but focused narrowly upon the kind of conditional obligations a law may impose , undistracted by prudential and consequential considerations , and insulated from the spurious claims of conscientious objectors , of minorities for exceptional treatment and , so far as may be , from current moral idiocies .
6 Attention focused initially upon improving the condition of potential rather than actual members of the labour force and the armed services ; on proposals and measures to diminish the infant mortality rate and to ensure that the surviving children grew up well fed and well cared for .
7 Sherlock distinguished biological aspects which were not considered in detail in his book , which focused instead upon geological aspects with particular attention devoted to denudation by excavation and attrition , to subsidence , to accumulation , to alterations of the sea coast , to the circulation of water , and to climate and scenery .
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