Example sentences of "let me quote " in BNC.

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1 Let me quote , here , from Allen Boone 's delightful book , Kinship With All Life .
2 I know that Robert Lowell got into terrible trouble for quoting private letters in his poetry , but all this happened abroad , so let me quote a phrase from it : ‘ The earthquake was awful .
3 Since I find novelists tend to say it better than sociologists , let me quote from one who seems to have anticipated a good deal of what was to come after the period when we had never had it so good :
4 But as a corrective to the excitable Hugo , let me quote another great French writer of the nineteenth century , a formidably astringent one this time , who likewise tramped dutifully up to the Lac de Gaube : the novelist Gustave Flaubert .
5 Let me quote a stern rebuke one of my own books once received from an American academic , one Thomas Ozro MacAdoo : " It is an axiom of detective fiction that each stage of the detective 's investigation must produce enough information to allow the reader to indulge in some tentative speculation as to the ultimate outcome . "
6 Let me quote again from the report so that people realise that I am not making this up .
7 Let me quote from last Saturday 's Oxford Mail : ’ A teenager whose night of joyriding ended in the death of a lorry driver , was sent to a young offenders ' institution for two years .
8 Well let me quote to you what your own document says , on
9 Robin Cook , that great man the opposition , of the opposition , an immediate , well then let me quote ya , let me quote ya .
10 Robin Cook , that great man the opposition , of the opposition , an immediate , well then let me quote ya , let me quote ya .
11 Let me quote Professor Adolf Butenandt , Nobel prize-winning biologist : ‘ Even though modern biology provides us with a new outlook and a deeper insight into the nature of many living phenomena , it does not answer the question of what life itself is . ’
12 Erm and and I know you I 'm not expecting you to comment on your colleagues , but let me quote something else that Peter Lilley said , The massive expansion of the welfare state since the war , has not been accompanied by any diminution of social problems .
13 By thus consenting they form one body politic and it is implied in the contract that the majority have the right to conclude for the rest and let me quote for when any number of men have by the consent of every individual made a community they have thereby made that community one body with a power to act as one body which is only by the will and determination of the majority it being necessary to that which is one body to move one way a single body ca n't move in two opposite directions simultaneously .
14 And let me quote Locke er here we are are we he says but submitting to the laws of any country , living quietly and enjoying privileges and protection under them , makes not a man a member of that society then he goes on a little bit further down nothing can make any man so but is actually entering into it by positive engagement and express promise and compact .
15 Let me quote you part of that motion .
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