Example sentences of "transition from [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Transitions from g to g and from u to u states are forbidden ; only transitions from u to g or from g to u states are allowed .
2 Transitions from g to g and from u to u states are forbidden ; only transitions from u to g or from g to u states are allowed .
3 Gumperz ( 1977 ) , for example , has argued that such variables can be used to invoke domains of interpretation , e.g. to mark transitions from chat to business .
4 The extract from Clarke and Willis takes a different view , arguing for multiple transitions from youth to adulthood , and examining the place of schooling in that process , especially for working-class young people .
5 The transition from child to adult is a sensitive matter to handle on both sides .
6 But in real life she has had to make the difficult transition from child to adult star .
7 He could n't remember the transition from sofa to bed , but he must have made it because he woke up there in total darkness with a headache and a blocked nose and a sense that something was not quite right .
8 When I read , later , Edwin Muir 's description in his Autobiography of his transition from Orkney to a Glasgow glue-factory , I read also a description of my own ( less conscious , more childish ) emotional state at the age of seven .
9 As in any other specialty , the transition from guesswork to proper science depends on a range of hospital based diagnostic services such as immunofluorescence , mycology , patch testing , and photo testing , and on close liaison with the pathology department .
10 The Tyne atmosphere , in the formation of which merchant navy officers have played a major role ( before the war transition from seamen to officer was not uncommon although it is very rare now ) , is well reproduced in a number of memoirs ( see Before the Box Boats by Captain A. W. King horn of Cullercoats , 1983 ) .
11 Thousands of living species occupy every marine habitat from the shallowest to the deepest abyss , and , as every gardener knows who has tried to protect his vegetables against marauding hordes of snails and slugs , they have been remarkably successful in making the transition from sea to land .
12 The contradictions of the model help explain why the transition from Francoism to democracy did not take place by a process of radical ‘ rupture ’ , but through a more consensual evolution in which elements of the regime 's own institutions and key political figures played a central role .
13 At a more modest level , an apparent weakness of the French system of training engineers , as compared with the British system , may prove an advantage in this transition from public to private sector employment .
14 In this section we look at the arguments of Daniel Bell ( 1973 , 1980 ) which remain the clearest and most influential account of the changes involved in the transition from industrialism to post-industrialism .
15 The transition from backswing to downswing is similar to a stagecoach driver whipping his horse team .
16 Conran 's transition from manufacturing to retailing was a gradual process .
17 But making the transition from user to supplier can be tricky .
18 Angkor Thom , erected under the reign of King Jayavarman VII , witnessed the transition from Hindu to Buddhism .
19 The company came a long way in the 1980s , but only because the leopard changed its spots by making the transition from selection to search .
20 In my garden it has made a swift transition from weed to wild flower to flower .
21 They say they 've enjoyed the transition from farmer to fashion designer .
22 Its social bases include : ( i ) the crisis , for many artists , of the transition from patronage to the market ; ( ii ) the crisis , in certain arts , of the transition from handwork to machine production ( see Chapter 4 , below ) ; ( iii ) crises within both patronage and the market , in a period of intense and general social conflict ; ( iv ) the attachment of certain groups to a pre-capitalist and/or pre-democratic social order , in which some arts had been accorded privilege within a general privilege ; ( v ) the attachment of other groups to the democratization of the social order , as part of the process of general liberation and human enrichment to which the arts , if they were allowed , could contribute : ( vi ) a more general opposition , often overlapping and even seeming to unite these diverse political views , to the practices and values of a ‘ commercial ’ and ‘ mechanical ’ civilization , from which the practice and values of the arts could be distinguished .
23 As is so often the case , the transition from arms to feet is more difficult than expected , but a careful combination of undercutting , balance and barely breathing should see you right .
24 One game , called Net Trek , which has recently made the transition from PD to commercial product , uses sounds sampled from the Star Trek television series to accompany the user 's attempts to pilot around a galaxy of other Mac users , when all the machines are connected together by the network .
25 Another scene on the Wicker Arches during the transition from steam to electric in 1954 .
26 The means by which school-leavers made the transition from school to full-time wage-earning have been described , as have the criticisms of reformers who dubbed it ‘ haphazard ’ .
27 These details make it clear that Beveridge regarded young workers as constituting a separate source of labour supply which required specialized provision and that he agreed with the ASEA and the ‘ boy labour ’ reformers in wishing to see the transition from school to work treated as an educational matter ( though not necessarily one controlled by the Board of Education ) .
28 To some extent there was a contradiction between the declared aim of the service , which was to organize the transition from school to full-time wage-earning in a thoughtful and informed manner so that the adolescents went into respectable occupations with long-term prospects , and the policy actually pursued .
29 All in all , the juvenile labour exchange legislation served to institutionalize the transition from school to full-time employment , and in so doing provided it with priests and rituals ; the transition became a rite de passage and , therefore , brought this aspect of the adolescent 's life into a formal arena where it was subject to critical scrutiny .
30 One means was actually to take control of the youth 's entry into full-time wage-earning , in order to control the transition from school to work and , by offering vocational guidance and encouraging attendance at continuation schools together with an after-care system , to set initial standards with regard to attitudes and behaviour .
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