Example sentences of "glance [adv prt] at the " in BNC.

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1 He glances down at the final layer of glasses .
2 He glances down at the table , as if the answer might be written on a beer mat .
3 He only glances up at the television occasionally , as he is intent on finishing these as quickly as possible in order to give himself ti me to write a letter home to his wife .
4 Carmichael glances up at the grubby banner , and he shrugs .
5 A noisily closing door made them glance up at the ship 's sunlit bridge .
6 But something made him glance up at the lounge window as he approached .
7 He glances back at the stones of the air shaft .
8 He glances round at the seventeen people — who are they ? : students ? , support-workers ? , staff ? — squeezed around the two tables .
9 Quick glance down at the clear water in the bowl .
10 I glance in at the ASI — still reading 150 — then throw my heavy helmeted head back to see the white skyline creeping forward along the canopy .
11 And passing , glance in at the loo .
12 I cast one longing glance up at the cliffs of Coire Ardair , where the sun was glancing off the icy tips of gleaming rock , and I knew that next time I 'd get the sucker .
13 A glance back at the collective situation of first generation Caribbeans in the UK is enough to understand why black parents do not encourage their children 's sporting endeavours .
14 He glanced down at the sea , then back at Endill .
15 She glanced down at the linoleum in despair .
16 Yanto was aware of the wind in his face as the instructor glanced down at the flag man again .
17 I glanced down at the limb I was illustratively wiggling , only to find an involuntary erection making my trousers stick out like an accusing finger .
18 I glanced down at the kitchen .
19 The boy glanced down at the dog and looked up almost defiantly .
20 He glanced down at the label on the table to check .
21 Tom stopped at the corner of the small road near the corset shop and glanced down at the tiny alleyway where the artist 's shop stood .
22 The father glanced down at the paper in his hand .
23 As they reached the door she glanced down at the small flower bed which gardeners in the congregation were trying to cultivate with more optimism than success in the unrewarding soil at the side of the path .
24 She glanced down at the landing and the dizziness swept up to meet her .
25 Craig glanced down at the sheaf of papers lying on the small table beside him , brought to him earlier in the day by Edward Morris , papers that proved Craig 's innocence .
26 She glanced down at the empty hearth , where the crumpled page had fallen and partly unfurled .
27 Galvone glanced down at the wall-to-wall shag carpet , shrugged .
28 William glanced down at the list of stock he was cataloguing and sighed .
29 Whitlock noticed the holster affixed to the guard 's belt , then glanced down at the leashed Doberman sitting obediently beside him .
30 ‘ Ah , yes , ’ Farouk cut in and glanced down at the notepad in front of him .
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