Example sentences of "both [prep] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although most of these techniques are expensive and difficult to use , it is possible that at least some of them may become more easily available ; they can be very useful both for discovering in detail how English speakers produce their speech sounds , and for demonstrating to learners of English their pronunciation errors in a way that helps them to correct them .
2 Although governments may attempt to avoid these problems by framing legislation more specifically , the cost of doing so is not only greater complexity but also less adaptability , both for coping with new situations and for unforeseen cases .
3 The greater incidence of widowhood among women of this age means a much lower proportion living with their partner than is true for men , and a much increased likelihood both of living with children/children in law , and of living alone .
4 Give a great deal of thought to the position and size of opening windows , both with regard to security and , more importantly , to ensure a quick means of escape in case of fire , especially at night when doors are likely to be well secured .
5 In his manner of thought and sympathies , Anselm belonged to the first of these two periods , both with regard to the organization of the Church and the supremacy of the monastic foundations which had maintained the spiritual life of Europe for three or four hundred years .
6 Generally speaking , pluralists accord the media varying degrees of autonomy both with regard to their relations with other institutions and with regard to their work in the production of content and meaning .
7 It is potentially important both with regard to making the compilation of thesauri for specific applications easier , and also with regard to enhancing the similarities between lists for different applications .
8 The organisation may not be used to changes : both with regard to the roles of personnel and the technology used .
9 Under these difficult conditions , some firm decisions had to be made on cost savings , both with regard to investment and labour .
10 Very interesting to have a review from you of the O D A's work , both with regard to central and Eastern Europe and the developing world and I 'm sure I speak for everybody in saying we are delighted minister that you spent the third part of your , your speech looking at the U N convention on the rights of the child which as you rightly say , is very close to the heart of Save The Children .
11 It is an important matter because clearly if er if the matter er if the suspicion er turns out to have been reasonable but not to bear t further examination then an accountant er could find themselves in great difficulty er both with regard to pecuniary difficulty and also professional difficulty and it 's something the minister needs to look at .
12 The SY course gives pupils the opportunity to broaden their experience of the subject both with regard to chemical theory and practical expertise .
13 Overall there was a much more varied selection of entries this year both in regard to the wide assortment of subjects tackled and to the quality of the writing .
14 But the second function is no less important — to consult all the representatives of the parishes on the way ahead , both in regard to the theme for next year as well as the needs to be met .
15 However , the controlled studies we cited compared doses of benzodiazepines that were equipotent both in regard to efficacy and to the starting recommended doses proposed by the respective manufacturer and approved by the FDA .
16 Brian Burke , ALP state Premier from 1983 to 1988 , was singled out by the report for particular criticism for having acted improperly both in dealing with political donations from businesspeople and in his 1987 handling of the rescue of an investment bank run by Connell.The report also criticized Burke 's successor , Peter Dowding , and the last Liberal premier of the state ( in 1982-83 ) , Ray O'Connor .
17 He was highly successful both in negotiating behind the scenes with the Post Office and in informing and interesting listeners in the implications for them , which included alternative programmes , of developing communications technology .
18 Involving affected groups of people in creative problem solving can be very effective , both in arriving at novel solutions and in gaining their commitment and understanding for the changes .
19 There are substantial hints that if paternal family experience encouraged Edward to extend his interests , both in preparing for a career and in his natural history pursuits , along practical and fact-gathering lines , the subtler influence of his mother and her family gave approval to the sudden spurt of interest in the affective literature of Richard Jefferies and , even more , to the reading of poetry for its own sake .
20 Crucial to individualism is the conviction that people are agents who determine the course of events both by choosing between existing options , and by creating the options themselves .
21 It is the agency 's job to establish a good working relationship between employers and agency staff , and it is in your interests to promote this by fulfilling your obligations to both by working in a professional and reliable way .
22 And the army of companies , seeking to relieve angler and fishkeeper alike of their hard-earned , tap up both by playing on the twin human weaknesses of snobbery and one-upmanship .
23 A 1980 circular ( reproduced as an annexe to the Land for Housing circular ) stated that ‘ the bulk of future development must take place both by rebuilding within existing towns and by expanding the towns within the limits of employment of local community capacity , e.g. infrastructure and social facilities ’ .
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