Example sentences of "continue for some time " in BNC.

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1 By working co-operatively , long-term , with the people around me , I hope to continue for some time yet .
2 By working co-operatively , longterm , with the people around me , I hope to continue for some time yet .
3 This mortaring is going to continue for some time . ’
4 The remaining colleges of higher education , approximately thirty in number , have their courses validated by the CNAA and , although the movement in this direction away from university validation has slowed down considerably , it is likely to continue for some time to come .
5 The trial was expected to continue for some time and it was widely believed that evidence would be given which would incriminate politicians still active .
6 Pioneer must be assuming this trend is going to continue for some time ; its Wakefield plant does not go fully on line until 1994 .
7 Others may make more conventional protests but the pain looks like continuing for some time .
8 The search for such dating methods has continued for some time , but in the second half of this century several methods have been developed , which provide much better ways of dating some sites and finds .
9 In another passage our final text reads ‘ His words were as if meant for himself , but he spoke them aloud , and he continued for some time to look at his sister like a man perplexed . ’
10 The magazine text brings in the paradox of public and yet as if private utterance : ‘ His words were as if spoken to himself , but he spoke them aloud , and he continued for some time to look at his sister like a man perplexed . ’
11 We were still confined to our trenches due to the bombardment which continued for some time .
12 The din and chaos continued for some time after help arrived from the êchelon of spectators , Charles and Peregrine among them .
13 The uproar in the kitchen continued for some time while Nanny pressed his face against her coat and added her own voice to the tumult .
14 Plans for the opera continued for some time :
15 Controversy continued for some time about the identity or otherwise of human and bovine tuberculosis , until the infecting organisms were shown clearly to belong to different species of the large genus Mycobacteria , most of which are harmless to man .
16 However , the silence continued for some time , as though the other rabbits did not care to mention what they thought was wrong .
17 As it happened , though the tension continued for some time after the building of the Berlin Wall in August to stop the flight of East Germans to the West , the two sides had to settle for a stalemate .
18 He says that it will cost money , especially if the dispute continues for some time .
19 Our own expert Mandy Johnson has been telling you the wisdom of physiotherapy for many , many months and will continue for some time to come .
20 This correspondence , it appears , could continue for some time .
21 During our stay we were awakened not only by the cocks , but on several occasions by piercing screams coming from the rice-paddies behind us , which would continue for some time before abruptly stopping .
22 ‘ It 's a security measure and it will continue for some time , ’ said a police spokesman , who revealed that the roads , one of which is part of the main Clogher to Omagh Road , had been closed under a Secretary of State 's Order .
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