Example sentences of "reason for [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To begin with , the reasons for which artists show together are varied .
2 It presupposes a reasonable belief in the existence of some other reasons for which consent is valid in some circumstances and the misled person 's mistaken belief that these reasons apply to his case .
3 The ‘ leopards and broom plants ’ , Plantagenet emblems , signify the dynastic reasons for which Henry the young king was killed , as were Rizzio and Mary 's husband Darnley centuries later .
4 The ministers gave as reasons for their resignations election rigging , mismanagement of the economy and an alleged cover-up of the murder in February 1990 of Foreign Minister Robert Ouko [ see p. 37239 ] .
5 The reasons for their success are not necessarily to do with their acuteness , not necessarily to do with their originality , but everything to do with sustaining the status-quo of the institution at that time .
6 I can only speculate about the reasons for their success .
7 LOUISE BOWEN asked some of the other conference speakers to cast modesty aside and reveal the reasons for their success .
8 Read a range of fiction and poetry and talk about reasons for their preferences .
9 Though the North Koreans were equipped by the Russians , the reasons for their invasion of the South remain mysterious .
10 Not all the respondents in our survey gave reasons for their choice and some offered more than one .
11 Bodine not only documents the prescriptivist promotion of he over they , she also quotes extensively from the passages in which grammarians give reasons for their choice .
12 In tests designed to examine ‘ concept formation ’ she asked children to put together those pictures or objects in an array that were most alike , and then to explain the reasons for their choice .
13 Both these buyers have sound reasons for their choice .
14 In addition to discussion , therefore , each Head of Department wrote down reasons for their choice against each of the most popular titles ( for full details of all responses see appendix 3 ) .
15 They could be asked to guess which was the earliest , and to give reasons for their choice .
16 Hunger and poverty , the main reasons for their poaching , are not treated by the courts as extenuating circumstances .
17 Church and lay workers are equipped to help communities throughout Negros Occidental to understand the economic and social reasons for their problems .
18 Behaviourist approaches to women 's agoraphobia , for instance , often concentrate on getting them to look after their family , and to work , rather than tackling the personal and social reasons for their anxiety .
19 However , it is often also expedient for political executives to conceal the reasons for their decisions behind a veil of secrecy , so bureaucrats and politicians may be drawn into an alliance against other politicians ( the Opposition ) and the public to enhance their collective power through confidentiality .
20 And , in any case , it is ridiculous to condemn boxing itself for attracting black aspirants when the reasons for their involvements are rooted in historical and social processes .
21 to explore how courts apply the duty imposed by the Child Care Act 1980 to give the child 's welfare first and paramount consideration ; 2. to examine the practices in use for providing magistrates with impartial information ; 3. to discover whether parents ' solicitors experience difficulties in getting background history of cases from Social Services Departments ; 4. to judge whether parents at are a disadvantage in court ; 5. to monitor how solicitors conduct their cases , and how they emply the various possible lines of argument of the Code of Practice on Access ; 6. to discuss the underlying attitudes of the magistrates and social workers towards access to children in care , the reasons for their viewpoints and whether the publication of the Code caused them to change any of their positions .
22 Williams has emerged as the unrelenting villain as he patrols what has turned into Fortress Didcot , the race-team HQ , refusing to enlighten the enraged Mansell army on the reasons for their split .
23 The euphoric effects of fasting have often been described by mystics , hunger strikers and others who have spiritual or political reasons for their actions .
24 They found that most parents opposed closure and gave educational reasons for their attitudes .
25 One of the reasons for their homelessness is that the Prime Minister , when he had ministerial responsibility for social security , changed the rules and regulations .
26 Whatever the reasons for their change from their nautiloid ancestors , the ammonoids were an enormously successful group : thousands of different species have been described , and their variety is so bewildering that many specialists devote their lives to studying only the ammonoids of a particular , short time period .
27 But they will almost certainly have friends and perhaps relatives who are still church members who can be approached to discover the real reasons for their departure .
28 Part of the reasons for their failures are related to managerial and organizational considerations but these can not account for everything .
29 Girls Into Science and Technology ( GIST ) was the first major schools-based project addressing problems of sex stereotyping at school , and was an example of ‘ action research ’ in education ; the project simultaneously took action to improve girls ' achievement in science and technology and investigated the reasons for their under-achievement .
30 Despite both giving reasons for their withdrawal — Smith describing the awards as ‘ self-congratulatory ’ and Conran labelling them ‘ muddled and confused ’ — the anti-Rifat gossip was soon swelling .
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