Example sentences of "almost as [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 So pale , almost as if one can see through your skin . ’
2 It was almost as if nothing that happened to children could surprise them any more .
3 The alternative to this has amounted to a reaffirmation of historicism almost as if nothing had happened .
4 It looked mishapen in this light , almost as if something was eating away at it .
5 They came towards the seated group cautiously but without hesitation — almost as if their entrance had been prearranged .
6 It is almost as if what the ego is subjected to by the superego in clinical depression is what the state does to the individual in totalitarian states , namely , it punishes the self with renunciation of instinctual drives , with reduced self-esteem and with a curtailment of its competence and freedom of activity .
7 Almost as if her body did not find it natural to bear a child .
8 She threw up until the nausea passed , just as it always did if she drank alcohol , but now it was almost as if her body already knew alcohol was bad for the tiny life growing inside her .
9 Clare remembered how she had seemed at first to be constrained in all her movements and jerky , almost as if her stammer manifested itself through her body as well .
10 Several inches of intricately patterned knitting hung from her needles , she saw with satisfaction , almost as if her fingers had worked independently while she listened .
11 It is almost as if we are confronted here by a replication of the poor Tom described in Ackroyd 's novel by another poor Tom of later times .
12 It is almost as if we are dealing with quite another God .
13 We are left talking to each other almost as if we had met before .
14 I 'm sorry to say but I think that we 're talking about this education day at the beginning of October and I mean god knows we 've known this is coming for , it 's almost as if we 've got to the brink of , you know like lemmings just about to throw ourselves off the cliff and we do n't know why we 're going to do it .
15 It 's almost as if we think subconsciously well we 've got that little bit extra , let's go for it .
16 We resumed conversation almost as if we had never left off .
17 Almost as if we can go on forever if that 's how it 's got to be .
18 THE VERY first line of Edward Albee 's Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? - ‘ What a dump ! ’ — is spoken by the play 's feminine protagonist in a parody of the classic Bette Davis manner : an ( imaginary ) cigarette held imperiously at eye-level , eyes blazing like the headlamps of an automobile , bee-sting lips enunciating each word ( including the ‘ a ’ ) for absolutely maximum effect , almost as if they had been snipped out of a newspaper headline by a writer of anonymous letters .
19 He just recorded them , almost as if they were playing live , ’ he says .
20 When we looked out the sea-gulls did seem to be weaving in and out and making rather strange but happy sounds — almost as if they were a bit tipsy — and as it turned out , such was the case .
21 It is almost as if they were lent to us for their infancy and formative years , and are then entirely free to go their own way .
22 At the base of these cliffs , almost as if they had been hewn in the rock by men , were three , four or five cave-mouths , chamber-like , as if they were a row of monastic cells in some monastery .
23 A surprising number have tales which suggest some form of ‘ activity ’ , almost as if they were alive , a strange thing on the surface , as stones are the archetype of solid , unmoving form .
24 It 's almost as if they were looking to make themselves the most hated and hunted men on earth . ’
25 It is almost as if they had never been wild elephants — but only the day before yesterday , they were .
26 ‘ It 's almost as if they 've been told to keep their distance . ’
27 Alpha appears when they are performing the most demanding tasks , and disappears altogether when less is demanded of them and their eyes are closed — almost as if they were drifting into a light sleep .
28 They intrigued him immeasurably , almost as if they were rare and unusual animals or birds , although at first he was often too shy to speak in their company .
29 It was almost as if they considered him to be as much a victim of his government as they were of theirs , as if he could no more be held responsible for Reagan 's actions than they could for Gaddafi 's .
30 The footsteps behind her seemed to be hurrying , almost as if they were trying to catch her up .
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