Example sentences of "turn the corner [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They had just turned the corner of the NAAFI building on their way to the public road that ran through the camp when they bumped into two airmen .
2 He waited until Meredith had turned the corner before going downstairs to put on his Sunday overcoat .
3 The economy may well have turned the corner by the next election .
4 The Church of England is behind the Baptist Union in halting its decline : the Baptists turned the corner between 1980 and 1985 , and thereafter saw a slight growth in membership .
5 As she turned the corner into Perry Street her heart began to pound .
6 I should do something now , because perhaps it was for want of normal company that Eleanor Thorne lay until her mind turned the corner into madness and final decay , I should go out , I should not allow myself to brood , to carry out my sister 's peculiar whims and defer to the judgments she passes upon me .
7 As he turned the corner into Bridgefoot Street he stopped , daunted by the steep slope before him .
8 He shuffled past the police barracks — formerly the Archbishop 's Palace — and turned the corner into the cathedral close .
9 Half a minute later , as he turned the corner into Oxford Street , he was blown off his feet by the explosion just yards from his cab .
10 He walked past it and turned the corner into Cromwell Road .
11 Sign of the times , he thought , as he turned the corner into Church Row .
12 I turned the corner into Bank Street , pounded down it just missing two lamp-posts , took a sharp left into Adam Smith Street and came to McGarvie 's garage .
13 They turned the corner into the street where Gabriel lived ; she had a tiny flat .
14 Rushing down the staircase , he turned the corner to the store-room which was fitted with a safety lock requiring four turns of the key .
15 On the landing outside , Kathleen Lavender turned the corner of her apron anxiously between her hands .
16 Still , she said as she turned the corner of the High Street .
17 This was the very thought in her head as she turned the corner of the corridor and back into the waiting room and saw the weeping figure of a woman hunched over and hugging herself with grief .
18 They turned the corner of the house and saw what looked like an outbuilding , only rather a smart one , painted white and with a tub of nasturtiums outside the open front door .
19 ‘ Where is ’ — Protheroe turned the corner of Culley 's report to find the name — ‘ Nicola Hammond ? ’
20 One of the stairs cracked sharply beneath her foot ; she heard the front door of one of the ground-floor flats open behind her , and as she turned the corner of the staircase she caught a glimpse of a single eye and a draggle of grey hair at the crack .
21 In the city one morning , as he turned the corner of the street into the shade of the acacias on the main boulevard , a woman ran out and plucked him by the sleeve , pulled him into a doorway and snatched his hand to kiss it .
22 She went towards the house to say goodbye to Stella , and as she turned the corner of the building she almost collided with Luke .
23 And then he was gone down the stairs , running lightly , for all his limp , and the last which she saw of him was the sandy-blond head before he turned the corner of the first landing .
24 Athelstan turned to go back into his church just as a young pursuivant turned the corner of the alley , slipping and sliding on the ice as he bellowed the friar 's name .
25 Gradually , a few familiar faces turned the corner by The Boar 's Head .
26 But he turned the corner by finishing 23rd in Valencia and 25th in Majorca last week .
27 EMILY MacPeake turned the corner from Merrycrest Avenue into Ashlea Drive and then left up Merrycroft Avenue .
28 As the figure turned the corner from the stairhead passage into the corridor , Grant drove the shotgun butt hard into his midriff .
29 Squatting , she pretended to tie a non-existent shoe-lace and waited until the two men had crossed Clayton Square and turned the corner in the direction of Bold Street .
30 ‘ God that man 's a nuisance , ’ Fiona said , as they turned the corner in the drive and the lights of the castle came into view against the coal-dark night .
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