Example sentences of "back along [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She had come rather out of her way and now walked back along a square where a learned society had its premises .
2 Meanwhile , there were great victories in Eastern Europe , where in 1943–4 the Russians pushed the Germans back along a 1600-kilometre front ( CORE , pp. 69–70 ) .
3 He chose a route back down the hill that did not involve too many serious gradients , moving from Roseberry Road to Warburton Drive to Chesterton Terrace and , from there , doubling back along a series of streets with an offensively tangible air of esprit de corps — Lowther Park Drive , where people called to each other over their Volvos and , even worse , Stapleton Road , a place that seemed almost permanently on the verge of a street party .
4 With a screech of brakes , and a squeal of wheels , Bodie reversed into a parking space and shot back along the route he had just taken .
5 Thus the bulk of Rennenkampf 's army , streaming back along the route they had earlier taken westward , contrived to escape .
6 The tongue also assists in moving the food back along the floor of the mouth .
7 My second thought , which did not occur to me until I was crawling back along the floor towards my bed , was that today was the day when I was due to Testify .
8 There 's Bigwig coming back along the bottom , and the other two with him . "
9 Then he walked heavily on for a pace or two until his tracks merged with the cart-way , then he turned back along the ruts to the stream and did the same thing again , more lightly this time .
10 A solid snake of people still wound back along the north shore of the loch .
11 The weather was better for the flight back along the north coast , and we got views of the 8,000-foot-plus Picos de Europa which we 'd missed on the way down .
12 You can then follow the Southern Upland Way back along the south bank of the Water of Trool and walk on to Minniwick Moss .
13 Daniel went carefully back along the deck to the broken door .
14 The tide was going out , she saw ; if she walked along the parade as far as the pier , she would be able to come back along the sands .
15 He walked back along the wharf to the car park .
16 Brooding , Wycliffe walked back along the wharf to join Kersey in search of lunch .
17 He walked back along the wharf .
18 But the stranger had already turned and walked off into the night , back along the towpath in the direction from which he 'd come .
19 ‘ Now I know why you asked me to come with you , ’ Robbie complained a little later , as she struggled back along the towpath with her share of the load .
20 Piphros nervously kept a watchful eye back along the way they had come .
21 She had seen Alfred disappearing with Beatrice Throgmorton and walked quickly back along the promenade .
22 ‘ Thank you for a lovely meal , ’ she said , when Vitor had settled the bill and they were walking back along the quay .
23 Strolled back along the Park , then up one of the side-streets .
24 Instead , I made my way back along the sand , watching some evidently exhilarated surfers .
25 As you will have noticed , the strategies we have reviewed have been operating back along the stress cycle ( as shown in Figure 1 on page 70 ) at points nearer and nearer the source .
26 It took a moment or two to realise he had freed her from what had seemed the inevitable consequences , but she was still suspicious as , with wildly beating heart , she traced his steps back along the maze of corridors , back to the relative safety of the main hall .
27 Visitors should not be put off by the modern appearance of this roof , nor by the notice on the gate to the abbey field which indicates a slight trek back along the lane to Abbey Farm to pick up the key to view St Leonard 's Church , Kirkstead .
28 At ten o'clock that evening , she walked back along the lane .
29 Constance felt let down but , more , she was overcome with indignant self-pity as she slowly cycled back along the drive that linked the Hall to the main road .
30 Our hosts go back along the jetty ,
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