Example sentences of "back towards [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some critics have suggested that improvement of services will improve success only transitorily , since higher expectations will increase user demand and drag success rates back towards a constant .
2 Interestingly , in the light of increasing central ‘ controls ’ during the late 1970s and the 1980s , Alexander ( 1982b , p. ix ) , in what could be interpreted as a swing back towards an agency model approach , argues that there has been a ‘ decline in the autonomy and independence of local government … [ which ] constitutes a threat to the nature of our democracy and to the sensitivity and effectiveness of our public services ’ .
3 There is an absence of weathering of any surface features , indicating that Mercury 's atmosphereless state stretches back towards the beginning , and there is no evidence for any subsurface volatiles .
4 Yanto happily began to make his way back towards the home bank .
5 When he was out of sight she crossed the great court to the gatehouse , passed by the open door apparently without a glance , and stood for some minutes in the gateway , looking along the Foregate , before turning back towards the guesthouse .
6 Merrill kept her face averted as they walked back towards the Abbey .
7 As she pushed the emptied skip back towards the scutching room for the umpteenth time , her legs simply stopped working and she sagged against the basket , fighting down a wave of dizziness and nausea .
8 She shooed all the geese into a meadow , left them , and started back towards the village again .
9 Then , like a flock of frightened sheep , everyone who survived began to run back towards the village .
10 headquarters , left strict instructions about what news and reports should be channelled to his home number immediately , and what could wait , and drove with the exaggerated care and deliberation of sleeplessness back towards the village of Comerford , uncomfortably in transition to a suburban area , where he , and the unhappy parents of the boy Boden , lived within three doors of each other .
11 He drifts back towards the floor .
12 He glanced over his shoulder to see Doug running too , back towards the hotel .
13 When setting medium to long hair ( left and above ) , start at the front : to get rid of flopping hair , wind away from the face , back towards the crown .
14 Tony offered to walk back towards the vehicle , now a long way off , and left me to think about it all .
15 The policeman turned back towards the girl ; she followed Duncan with her eyes .
16 They walked back towards the houses , the clownish little man and the thin child — watching him , Nick thought he looked thinner than he had done a month ago .
17 ‘ You come near me , Preacher , and I 'll kill you , ’ I said , shrinking back towards the protection of the crowd .
18 Once the invariant set is attracting , there is the possibility that the unstable manifold of the origin , which first strikes the return plane at R or L and which then wanders chaotically around the strange attractor forever , may eventually strike AD and then tend back towards the origin .
19 The two-seater Chipmunk aircraft had just taken off when it unexpectedly veered sharpley back towards the runway .
20 The drivers had turned the vehicles back towards the highway to be ready to move the moment the men , weapons and ammunition were loaded .
21 That way , if the worst happens an' they fire the house an' make a run fer it , we 'll drive most of 'em back towards the highway , where we 'll have a reception committee waitin' to meet ‘ em !
22 Once in position they were to form a cordon , await his radio command , then beat their way back towards the highway , creating as much disturbance as possible with their flashlights and guns to drive any fugitives ahead of them .
23 She ran back into the corridor and back towards the service lift .
24 As they began to climb , Jinny looked back towards the sofa and met the boy 's eyes again .
25 Tony finished his work and we set off back towards the sea .
26 Nell , disturbed , turned away from him , to face back towards the sea .
27 At this point it is difficult not to be drawn back towards the work of Anthony Quinton , who has provided a helpful model of the basic Conservative claims to political wisdom .
28 Tom hesitated for a moment and then walked hurriedly on to the small road back towards the artist 's shop .
29 He did not take it too seriously , but nonetheless he wheeled his pony and made off at speed , back towards the fringes of Clocaenog , where he had passed the last of the prince 's watch .
30 He dropped Charlotte 's hand , took three large strides back towards the crest , and launched a bellow of disapproval at least ten times as effective as the hapless teacher 's appeals :
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