Example sentences of "when [noun] die [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As an example , when Ellis died in 1962 , a newly-recruited TDC guard received $256 per month with fringe benefits such as uniforms , and can not have been highly regarded in a society which measures status by money .
2 When Glycerius died in 474 , however , Gundobad seems to have returned to Gaul .
3 Academically , the School prospered : Thomas Ashe was given a special Exhibition at St. John 's College , Cambridge ( the other two were already taken up ) , and when Howell died in August 1858 Mr. C. E. Norris , an Old Boy and a previous Goldsmiths ' Exhibitioner at St. John 's College , Cambridge , was appointed to take over .
4 When Bradbury died before the age of thirty , most of the interest in the process seems to have perished with him .
5 The family were in London when William died aged sixty-five , on 12 June 1584 , and an eighteenth-century source records Epiphanius as the pupil of Richard Stevens ( died 1592 ) , one of the Southwark community of alien stone-carvers .
6 When Eleanor died of fever at Nottingham , in the autumn of 1290 , Edward was grief stricken and journeyed to bury her in Westminster .
7 When coalition died in 1924 , not all recognized that coalitionism must die with it .
8 I wept when Smike died in the television play , and I recall an incident of a nine-year-old girl turning to a particular page of Black Beauty , crying bitterly and explaining through her tears to her grandmother , ‘ It 's so s-a-d ! ’
9 When Stalin died in 1953 and his domination of the executive role ended , there was a struggle for power between leading party figures like Malenkov , Khrushchev and Bulganin .
10 When Machado died in 1706 , Medina succeeded him as contractor for supplying bread and wagons to the land forces of the grand alliance , initially on his own and later in partnership with his older brother , Joseph de Medina of Amsterdam , and with Joseph 's son , Moses .
11 When Sidney died in 1595 , Margaret agreed to Huntingdon 's deathbed request that she marry another suitor of 1591 , Sir Thomas Posthumous Hoby , second son of Sir Thomas Hoby [ q.v. ] , of Bisham , Berkshire , and his wife Elizabeth [ q.v. ] , one of the learned daughters of Sir Anthony Cooke [ q.v . ] .
12 Whatever the chronology , when Clovis died in 511 the Frankish kingdom was certainly the most powerful kingdom in Gaul , and he was apparently the favoured western ally of the Byzantine emperor Anastasius .
13 When Josie dies in a car crash Roth feels relief .
14 Because of the unusually large number of old folk living at Low Birk Hatt we had more than our share of funerals and everything was made worse when Daddy died at such a young age .
15 When Grant died in 1789 his share in the brewery was bought by Sampson Hanbury , aged 30 , a member of a family of Quaker bankers .
16 When Sam died in 1923 aged only fifty-four , Marjorie felt free to try to do what she had always wanted , and auditioned for the Tillers :
17 It was a great shock to the Girls when Jennie died on 21 February , 1936 .
18 He became seriously ill with a blood infection after a routine prostate operation and soon after recovering faced a greater trauma when Meg died in 1986 .
19 He was President Reagan 's first choice to head the agency when Casey died in 1987 [ see p. 35182 ] .
20 It gave the house of Foix some claim to the succession in Bigorre and , when Esquivat died without heirs in 1283 , a conflict broke out which was not to be resolved until 1307 .
21 When Hornby died at the height of his company 's success , the annual output of his factories totalled millions of Meccano sets , Hornby trains , and Dinky toys , which had become household names throughout the world .
22 Forgiving sin since Christ has died , forgiving sin is easy but it was , yet , it was the hardest thing that God could do because he could only do it when Christ died for us .
23 But when Uccello died in his eighties , ‘ He left a daughter who could design , and a wife who used to say that Paolo would remain the night long in his study to work out the lines of his perspective , and that when she called him to come to rest , he replied , ‘ Oh what a sweet thing this perspective is ! ’
24 When Peter died in 1213 the pope took over the wardship of his son , James I , chose his councillors and constituted his government , against the ambitions of Simon de Montfort .
25 When Yerkes died in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel his empire was taken over by the son of a Derbyshire coach-maker , Albert Henry Stanley .
26 The council of state was still examining the incident when Carvajal died in November 1659 , according to Samuel Pepys [ q.v. ] , after having been ‘ lately cutt ( by the same hand with my selfe ) of the Stone ’ .
27 When Bradley died in July 1762 , Green remained at Greenwich as assistant to Nathaniel Bliss [ q.v. ] ,
28 ‘ And then , years later , when Ryan died with not a penny to his name , I jumped to all the wrong conclusions — and , of course , you let me .
29 Lancaster 's widow was pressured into surrendering parts of the Lacy inheritance , and when Pembroke died in 1324 his coheiresses were subjected to unscrupulous treatment to persuade them to surrender portions of their inheritance to the Despensers .
30 In consequence , when children die from neglect or are maltreated by their carers , questions are always asked about the role of the formal carers ; implicitly or explicitly , there is an assumption that formal care systems have in some way been deficient .
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