Example sentences of "when [noun] return [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This problem reduces significantly when birds return to the country with the onset of spring and summer .
2 A little square woman — to be identified when sanity returned as the doctor 's wife came to change my bedding and cleanse me regularly .
3 When Nizan returned to France in January 1935 , he returned not disillusioned , chastened perhaps , but above all convinced of the necessity to become involved in the great moral crusade of the next few years , the struggle against fascism .
4 When Nizan returned to France in January 1935 the political landscape had been transformed .
5 When Osiris returned to Egypt from travels abroad , Seth invited him to a banquet , at which his seventy-two accomplices were also present .
6 This was how matters stood when Churchill returned to office .
7 Richard found the cleaner 's mop and bucket and was amateurishly wiping the floor when Murray returned with a dressing gown and some towels .
8 " I 've got the supper , Ma , " said Martha , when Nenna returned to Grace .
9 When Bonington returns from his expedition to Panch Chuli , reads the contents of the notebook and sees the photographs he may be able to give a few more clues , but it is unlikely we will ever know what really happened .
10 When Richard returned to school , Philip was thirty-eight , formidable and , locally , not a little feared .
11 He reminded Sharpe of Jules , the miller 's son from Seleglise , who used to help Sharpe with Lucille 's flock of sheep and who had been so excited when Napoleon returned to France .
12 When Wilfrid returned from his final visit to Rome Aethelred had abdicated but he summoned his nephew and appointed successor , Coenred , to meet Wilfrid and is said to have urged him to uphold Wilfrid 's cause ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 57 ) .
13 Josie said when Lucy returned from the pay phone at the end of the corridor .
14 When Jean returned from the Ladies there was no sign of either of them , for at the end of the dance they had slipped unnoticed out of one of the wide-open fire exits and around the back of the hall where only courting couples went .
15 When Edward returned from the Mediterranean , there was a letter waiting for him .
16 And when Linda returned to work at weekends when the twins were eight-weeks-old he took charge of all four .
17 And when Linda returned to work at weekends when the twins were eight-weeks-old he took charge of all four .
18 So Clemente and his FA were taken aback when England returned from the Swedish disaster and began pushing for an away fixture at anywhere in Spain that could be called ‘ cool ’ .
19 None the less , when Simon returned to England in April 1263 and raised once more the standard of the Provisions of Oxford , Peter joined him .
20 When Cornelius returned from the gents , Tuppe was nowhere to be seen .
21 Access to Israel from the occupied territories was re-opened on Oct. 28 , but when Arabs returned to their jobs many found that they had been dismissed .
22 When Martin returned with the bottle , Mrs Denham picked the baby out of his chair , and settled back with him in her arms .
23 In fact , as we shall see in Chapter 3 , he was beginning to evolve a new kind of conservative philosophy , and this was in no sense a time-serving decision , so that when Coleridge returned to ‘ orthodox ’ religion , his interpretation of Christian doctrine was strikingly original .
24 But , when Andre returned from oenological college in Beaune , brand new influences soon became apparent .
25 The marriage lasted only a few years , cut short by the death of Eliza ; when Robert returned to the same altar at St Leonard 's in January of 1837 as a widower , he must have had more than a flash of déjà vu .
26 When Elaine returns to college , Ben follows her , taking a room there .
27 It was a relief when Penry returned with a tray containing two steaming bowls .
28 When Penry returned with her tea , looking withdrawn , as though he deeply regretted the mention of his wife , he put a plate of biscuits on the small table beside her .
29 Graham had barely finished his coffee when Hendrique returned with a brown leather attache case .
30 When JTR returned to the Boathouse that night he ‘ had walked thirty-five miles , and had given a place in the sketchbook to eight subjects . ’
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