Example sentences of "who can afford [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The NI has always been concerned to point out what is wrong with the Green Revolution : that it favours richer farmers who can afford its high-yield seeds and extra fertiliser ; that its ecological impact is worrying .
2 Is it any wonder that the only people who can afford their services are rich companies , millionaires and those who are lucky enough to get legal aid ?
3 It is for this stratum of users and their families that heroin is the dragon with a sting in its tail , not the hidden middle-class users who can afford their habit and avoid the police and courts .
4 Who can afford them ?
5 While I recommend such systems for those who can afford them , they can give a false sense of security to the beginner , especially if something goes wrong .
6 As a rule , those who can afford it seem increasingly to temper the urban living of the weekday with a touch of rural life at the weekend .
7 Let those spend fortunes on their homes who can afford it : the same look can often be achieved more economically .
8 For those who can afford it , a course of treatment with a professional psychotherapist may be the best answer , although it is important to select the person and the approach carefully .
9 TOP CLASS : Eton offers a good education — for those who can afford it
10 yes , but who can afford it ?
11 The only choice is between a brutal — and extremely dangerous — village castration , or , for those who can afford it , a course in hormone pills followed by an anaesthetized operation .
12 Besides the ordinary shops accessible to anyone — selling subsidized goods but often with bare shelves — are the ‘ commercial ’ shops only for those who can afford it .
13 I have no objection to private residential care for those who can afford it , but the Minister must admit that local authorities do an excellent job in terms of residential care and that there should be more local authority residential care places .
14 I think erm I think is quite fair maybe if concessions could be raised to one fifty or two pounds but overall I think that people who can afford it spend such a lot of money on the raffle and we therefore give raffle tickets to those who can afford it could jealousy and on the raffle generally about a hundred pounds is made and if there , if there was more charge for tickets , people might not give so much for the raffles and also if you give but if you charge them a nominal sum and then shove other things at them on their options they might be more willing to give to optional choices like a raffle .
15 I think erm I think is quite fair maybe if concessions could be raised to one fifty or two pounds but overall I think that people who can afford it spend such a lot of money on the raffle and we therefore give raffle tickets to those who can afford it could jealousy and on the raffle generally about a hundred pounds is made and if there , if there was more charge for tickets , people might not give so much for the raffles and also if you give but if you charge them a nominal sum and then shove other things at them on their options they might be more willing to give to optional choices like a raffle .
16 Believing their children will receive a better and more disciplined education , with a greater prospect of university entry than from a state school , many parents who can afford it send their children to such private institutions , known ( confusingly ) as " public schools . "
17 Be bec , the appalling thing is that they 're quite , they 're quite happy to spread this pain on those who are in the least position to burden it and they believe quite rightly and this , this is the I think , that exists between socialism and and and the Conservatism in that sense that whereas erm , you know opinion surveys bear out the fact that people are quite happy , those who can afford it to pay a little bit extra in terms of direct taxation for those service provisions , which are absolutely vital and these surveys have been conducted in public and they have been made quite er er open to the press , er , just before the last election particularly for the health authority and so forth .
18 Another objection is that jobs will be lost and certainly that would be a serious objection but it 's a speechless one , of course , people who can afford it will still ride and will still employ the same people who are now hunt servants er to look after their horses and themselves and those who ca n't afford horses will continue no doubt to enjoy the spectacle er , that argument does n't hold water and the other objection of course er is that er it would mean the hounds were killed , but since I understand er hunting people kill their hounds anyway when they get too old to keep up , er I think er we can dismiss that argument and leave it to them er to see that the hounds are decently dealt with .
19 For those who can afford it … the top holiday destinations this Easter are … just about anywhere in the sun …
20 Why then do they think it is so bad for parents and only those who can afford it paying a little extra to ensure their children get a well-funded education ?
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