Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [pron] [be] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We 're all terribly sorry , but your dog was dying when he was brought in . ’
2 The flight from Bangkok was only minutes from landing when it was turned away because of a monsoon .
3 spends his day blending the malt and seeing that it is despatched correctly .
4 When I was assigned to investigate Ruggiero 's kidnapping , Pietro made a statement to the press drawing attention to my lack of experience and my political views and demanding that I be replaced immediately .
5 One views unusual vertical arrangements with suspicion , presuming that they are made so as to prevent others entering the industry , to raise margins and thereby increase profits at the expense of consumers .
6 ‘ Well , Marie , ’ I say , pretending that she 's sat there listening to me .
7 She made a direct assault on his leadership credentials by accusing him of planning to introduce Labour Party policies and implying that he was motivated primarily by personal ambition .
8 His hair was damp as if he 'd been swimming and he was dressed casually in jeans and a thin denim-blue shirt .
9 Deep tan , good body , jeans that were tight and bleached over the thighs but not looking like they were sprayed on .
10 Coleridge awoke , he said , retaining ‘ a distinct recollection of the whole ’ , and was eagerly committing the poem to writing when he was called out by a person on business from Porlock who detained him for more than an hour .
11 Her jaundice improved with stenting and she was allowed home .
12 Further analysis of the above five steps could be conducted ( for instance , it is worth noting that they are made up of ( I ) non-drama — 1 ( 2 ) nun-drama — 1 ( 3 ) drama — 1 ( 4 ) non-drama — 1 ( 5 ) drama activities ) but it is not in the matter of graded steps within a sequence that drama resembles a game : the game element of drama is inherent within each stop .
13 Is John MOtson Eric cantona 's agent ? he cant talk about his Gallic flair without sounding like he s become sexually aroused .
14 The body was still twitching when it was flung on to a table and the head hacked off , blood spurting like a fountain .
15 The ‘ object ’ is a lump of granite , with a plaque above stating that it was brought down on ice from Westmorland during the Ice Age 300,000 years ago .
16 Apart from there being nothing on the walls , there 's very little of the personal here considering that she 's lived here six months .
17 ‘ Yes , I am , ’ replied Anabelle , wishing that she was curled up in her nest fast asleep .
18 In the next instant Travis was rising and she was set back on her feet as he put some distance between them .
19 ‘ Ratners thought this through a couple of years ago and then found itself locked into the game of pushing price to keep volumes moving and everything was put on the back burner , ’ says Richards .
20 But under tough new rules , companies must regularly consult local officials during exploration , discuss plans for seismic testing and drilling before they are carried out , and agree to on-site monitoring by Government officials .
21 They had copied out the names and addresses of everyone who wrote to them and enclosed the list with a message of thanks and good wishes , asking that it be sent on .
22 Orthographically irregular words are pronounced more slowly than regular words ( Baron and Strawson , 1976 ; Underwood and Bargh , 1982 ) , indicating that they are treated differently in some way when they are read .
23 Cyclamen also prefer being sited in cooler spots and are often renowned for failing because they are kept too warm .
24 I rushed off to have a shave and a wash , which I had hardly finished doing before we were ordered downstairs for breakfast in the darkness .
25 The suggested version has similarities to Postman 's Knock , too , with a couple having to spend at least one minute observing before they are allowed back into the room .
26 As the boat rammed the steel plates , fabric ripping as it was dragged up against the rough barnacled side , he fired .
27 Hector ! ’ he was crying as he was dragged up and set to an oar .
28 The two sides disagreed on whether 100,000 Moroccan soldiers and thousands of Moroccan administrators should remain in the region during the referendum , the Polisario officials insisting that they be withdrawn beforehand , while Morocco offered to confine them to their garrisons .
29 You can feel if the sail is sheeted correctly by the pressure in the arms ( assuming that they are spaced equally about the CE ) .
30 The Collector 's lips moved but his mind had already wandered away , besieged by practical questions … how would they manage for privies with so many people in the banqueting hall , assuming that they were driven out of the Residency ?
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