Example sentences of "[vb pp] as the [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The total area of lesions was calculated as the sum of areas of individual lesion .
2 The symptom index was calculated as the number of times the symptom occurred when the pH was below four , divided by the total number of times the symptom was reported ; this quotient was then multiplied by 100 to give the percentage of symptoms associated with reflux .
3 NEONATAL MORTALITY RATE — measures the chance of death during the first month of life ; it is calculated as the number of deaths under 28 days of age ( or under one month ) during a specified time period per 1,000 live births that occurred in the same period .
4 Death rates were also calculated as the number of deaths per recorded discharge ( case mortality or fatal spell ratio ) .
5 ( 1 ) Before any third party is registered as the transferee of shares he will be asked to execute a deed of adherence binding him to the terms of the subscription and shareholders ' agreement .
6 For the materialist Richards meaning was to be explained as the use of words either to point to things or to evoke feelings — in terms of behaviour , in the last analysis .
7 From this point of view , societal characteristics can not be explained as the product of actors ' choices , since these choices are themselves the product of socialisation .
8 These amount , as we saw , to the belief that many social phenomena are to be explained as the outcome of actions performed by individuals or groups , and the view that groups can only do things if individuals do .
9 Many of the American neo-Lamarckians argued that evolution exhibited both adaptive and non-adaptive trends , the latter being explained as the unfolding of trends built into the very constitution of each group at its origin .
10 As a result , difficulties in the education service can be explained as the consequence of incidents of which they are probably the cause .
11 In a paper written in 1905 , a few weeks before the famous paper on special relativity , Einstein pointed out that what was called Brownian motion — the irregular , random motion of small particles of dust suspended in a liquid — could be explained as the effect of atoms of the liquid colliding with the dust particles .
12 When 0 is given as the number of parses , this indicates that the parser exited cleanly with no parses being found , a dash ( - ) indicates that the system crashed before a parse was obtained .
13 Assessment has traditionally been regarded as the responsibility of psychiatrists , but in recent years the role of non-medically qualified personnel has been examined .
14 For God intended his word for ordinary people ; it is not to be regarded as the preserve of scholars ; the central truths of salvation are plain for all to see ; Scripture is ‘ useful for teaching the truth , rebuking error , correcting faults , and giving instruction for right living ’ ( 2 Tim .
15 He was regarded as the patron of herdsmen and their flocks , and , as the father of ROMULUS AND REMUS , was the honorary patron of Rome .
16 Sometimes these were regarded as the product of individuals , sometimes of institutions .
17 The mass of the PFM is unknown and therefore the abundances are not to be regarded as the number of atoms per kilogramme of PFM , 20 Ne being arbitrarily placed at 10 22 atoms per kilogramme to facilitate comparison with the graphs for the planets .
18 Darwin himself had little sympathy for these ideas and not much , personally , for Spencer , though he did once say — I quote Burrow ( p. 182 ) — ‘ in a moment of enthusiasm … that Spencer 's Principles of Biology made him feel that he ‘ is about a dozen times my superior ’ , and thought that Spencer might one day be regarded as the equal of Descartes and Leibniz , rather spoiling the effect by adding , ‘ about whom , however , I know very little ’ ’ .
19 Answer guide : The question here i6 what should be included as the cost of goods sold .
20 Advance booking is strongly recommended as the number of children visiting Santa may have to be limited .
21 The approach to finding exact solutions that has been taken so far has involved initially solving the field equations in the interaction region IV and then investigating the conditions under which these solutions can be considered as the result of collisions of plane waves .
22 To the Yogis he is venerated as the King of Serpents — the possessor of the ultimate wisdom — the Great Guru .
23 19 ) ; while Athens herself , with her five-figure total of metics , is audaciously presented as the smithy of Hephaistos .
24 If the age of 65 + was adopted as the definition of geriatrics then the NHS should be renamed the National Geriatric Medicine Service .
25 FRS 3 will also effectively kill off extraordinary items — the ASB is adamant that any geographical or political event happening within a company 's environment should be counted as part of normal business risk — and reduce what ASB chairman David Tweedie has seen as the abuse of earnings per share .
26 Although in a world under divine guidance their actions can be said to actualize the Lord 's will , these actions can also be seen as the expression of women 's resentment and rebellion .
27 Years ago this was seen as the dream of purists and unworldly cranks , but it is now one of the big growth areas in energy policy , with Wales leading the way in the UK .
28 Following Sperber and Wilson ( 1986 ) , context can be seen as the set of possibilities which exist in the universe of discourse and situation of utterance for the interpretation of that utterance .
29 Microeconomic analysis Explanations based on microeconomic analysis suggest that additional public spending can be seen as the result of governments continually intervening to correct market failure .
30 And what emerged from the response to the article is that reincarnation is no longer seen as the domain of cranks and weirdos .
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