Example sentences of "[vb past] it would be [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Early in my first tour I argued with my colleagues that I doubted it would be possible to ditch a Wimpy or a Whitley on water , particularly if there was a heavy swell .
2 Many of the founders of sociology believed it would be possible to create a science of society based upon the same principles and procedures as the natural sciences such as chemistry and biology , even though the natural sciences often deal with inanimate matter and so are not concerned with feeling , emotions and other subjective states .
3 Mendès lost office early in the year to leaders who were better-disposed to supranationalism , Adenauer was all too ready to rebuild co-operation , and both Spaak and Monnet believed it would be possible to extend the principle of supranational links in ‘ sectors ’ of the European economy .
4 But Olivia , a model employer , believed it would be churlish to point this out .
5 He hung his medal in the shop , decided it would be nice to have a few more , and has been pounding out the miles since .
6 Things came to a head a few weeks before Christmas , when Mazzin decided it would be fun to frogmarch us to and from the bathroom .
7 It was Eric who first invented the Flame-thrower , and it was lying in what was then the bicycle-shed ( now my shed ) when our cousin , who had come to spend the weekend with us along with his parents , decided it would be fun to ride Eric 's bike into the soft mud at the south end of the island .
8 Having refreshed myself with a glass of one of the excellent local wines and a vision of two large ladies at the adjoining table munching their way through what looked like several pounds of ice-cream , I decided it would be fun to walk to France .
9 Instead of taking a detour , I decided it would be fun to pass through the flood , and drove towards it .
10 ‘ The Health and Safety Executive decided it would be inappropriate to take any form of legal action in regard to the fatal accident , ’ said Mr Brunswick .
11 The fifteen-year-old boy leapt from his bed with escape in mind , but he decided it would be unfair to leave his eleven-year-old brother to face what was to come alone , so he got back into bed and waited for the social workers to come upstairs .
12 On reflection , though , he decided it would be unfair to leave his younger brother to face this alone , and he waited till they came for him .
13 With ear-shattering shrieks echoing around the square , I decided it would be wise to wonder elsewhere .
14 Farrel decided it would be wise to lay new tracks through the forest — for Rose 's sake .
15 If a sector collapsed it would be likely to take ‘ its region ’ with it .
16 He 'd sounded regretful but pointed out that he had committed himself and felt it would be ill-mannered to tell his hostess he had now made other arrangements .
17 It was just that I and the others in the class — at least , the ones who turned up yesterday , a lot of people did n't bother — anyway , we felt it would be nice to send some flowers and a card or something to her relatives .
18 But by now Winnie Ewing was in the throes of her by-election campaign to win Hamilton for the SNP , and aware of how fervently I agreed with everything she was saying ( and wished a Liberal had been saying ) I felt it would be dishonest to hold back any longer .
19 Was it because he had n't spotted it , or because he felt it would be dishonest to do so , or because he never expected criticism ?
20 After three hours of talks yesterday , union conveners at the yard said they felt it would be fruitless to oppose the proposed voluntary severances .
21 I felt it would be impertinent to pretend in a role like that . ’
22 On the other hand , we might so frame our problem that we felt it would be impossible to solve it unless we carried out detailed fieldwork .
23 Judge John Petrie said although the offence was very serious he felt it would be unjust to jail McAteer again as he had already served a sentence in connection with this ongoing dispute .
24 The treasurer felt it would be advantageous to have the addresses of those in charge of the regular activities using the hall so that accounts could be sent out .
25 Victorine cried out as soon as she saw them : that wretched child , I knew it would be hopeless letting her help , it 's too much , I 'll never be done in time .
26 Charles knew it would be unprofessional to use the pass-door from backstage to the auditorium once the house had started to fill , so he went out of the Stage Door to walk round .
27 Barak knew it would be futile to argue .
28 From bitter experience , she knew it would be impossible to talk it over with Julius , look at the advantages and disadvantages of such a decision , and then reach an amicable agreement .
29 That 's why we knew it would be good to bring it to a close . ’
30 He was restless and knew it would be difficult to sleep .
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