Example sentences of "[vb past] and [verb] [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In pure reaction from terror he broke down and wept himself into a deep , swooning sleep as soon as he was alone with his blessed candle ; but when he awoke strangely refreshed and heartened he had his wits again , and could reason about his escape .
2 He came and helped me lay it all in which was very nice .
3 The cleverness was in using the wealth of old prints lying around ignored and simplifying them to make them fresher and give them a contemporary feel .
4 As he ate and drank she found herself chattering away to him out of nervousness , a stream of things that went through her head , the small happenings of a day .
5 In the seat in front two passengers recognized the farm where they lived and wanted me to see it too .
6 He watched the engineer go , and then turned and let them take him up to the wall-walk , and down into the beleaguered city where , once , the Genoese had planned to keep him hostage while his company fought for Carlotta .
7 The same would be true to a lesser extent if I allowed and helped someone to write my life .
8 So I lied and said I detected nothing untoward in finding a bullet-riddled boat awash in the Bahamian seas .
9 She grunted and let him help her sit .
10 The Rolling Stone 's wife Jerry Hall rang and warned her to keep her hands off her husband .
11 ‘ And the reason the boy wonder suddenly rang and invited me to watch him go through his paces was because he wanted to show off something rotten , ’ she teased , intent on bringing him back down to earth .
12 Well er I went when I was when I went first went and do you know I went into the to the place and do you know I run away from the place .
13 Yeah I like to , I like to have a go at different things I mean the the the other the other lunchtime we had you know he came in at lunchtime and er Shirley had gone somewhere Ann and er I 'll have the chicken kiev for me please so so I went and did it did you cook that for him ?
14 He recognised how she felt and did nothing to encourage it .
15 ‘ And when she noticed I had two other children with me she laughed and said she knew what a handful they could be . ’
16 The secretary laughed and said he thought he could guess who that was .
17 Their tales of legendary warriors and kings , Roland , Guillaume d'Orange , Arthur and Charlemagne , of their great conquests and their deeds of arms and chivalry , were meant to stir the hearts of all who listened and move them to live their own lives according to the pattern set by the heroes of the past .
18 She pleaded and begged me to change my mind , but I was adamant .
19 Just then a young man appeared and called me to follow him .
20 She smiled and let him have his way .
21 With a small guttural sigh she relaxed and allowed him to part her thighs .
22 He rarely went for a tightframed shot , but instead honed in on whatever it was the subject had and made them give him more .
23 She began to tremble , but although he must surely have known that she was not enjoying what he was doing , he said and did nothing to reassure her , nor gave her any sign of love or affection .
24 Let , I said well the best thing ju to do erm er Pam I said is just to ignore them I said and ignoring them makes it you know ?
25 Is it not time he retired and let somebody do something ?
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