Example sentences of "[vb past] the [noun sg] of [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 In October of that year , Hickson and Jacques joined forces and met the Director of Education over the possibility of a combined approach to the development of adult education which would reflect the recommendations of Circular 1444 .
2 She especially distrusted the row of photographs over the fireplace .
3 Because its essential expression was money , which merely expresses the relationship of exchange , other forms of expression which demonstrated the domination of persons over persons had to supplement it .
4 Africa Confidential of June 14 said that although 13 members of the government were Issaqs , its membership was " carefully balanced " between the main Issaq sub-clans and other clans ; the delay in appointing the government underlined the lack of agreement over the secession among SNM leaders , some of whom regarded the measure not as final but as merely a " step towards renegotiating the 1960 unification and redressing an unequal relationship " .
5 And as the all-too-solid original took a single step out from the doorway he dropped the loop of wire over its head and , like a man straining to start an outboard motor , suddenly hauled it tight for all he was worth .
6 She also noted the depth of dust over everything .
7 Although the death in battle of Penda , the pagan king of Mercia , in 655 sealed the victory of Christianity over heathenism , this important event was overshadowed by dissension between the Roman and Celtic Churches .
8 It ratified the triumph of history over all the sciences , though ‘ history ’ in this connection was generally confused by contemporaries with ‘ progress ’ .
9 Formalist theory reversed the priority of content over form and devoted its attention exclusively to form .
10 Other major elements in the Basic Law included the decentralisation of authority over cultural and religious affairs , education , local government and the police to Länder level .
11 This improved the flow of water over the tentacles .
12 A recent specialist Soviet study on Southeast Asia argued that the term ‘ neutralisation ’ as distinct from the related terms ‘ neutrality ’ and ‘ neutralism ’ contained the idea of activity over a more or less defined period of time ; it implied a process of gradual and progressive development .
13 Because expensive capital equipment and the attainment of a rapid through-put of production were central to this development , ‘ the craft skill and judgement of the workers had to be as much as possible superseded , as did the control of workers over the pace of work ’ ( Lazonick , 1983 , p. 112 ) .
14 It swung open at his touch but closing it , as always , was more difficult and he lugged and half lifted it into place and slipped the circle of wire over the gatepost with a familiar sensation of having turned his back on the workaday world and entered country which , no matter how frequent his visits , would always be alien territory .
15 Although they were defeated , the determination of the rebel Indians illustrated the depth of resentment over issues such as land rights and inadequate social resources .
16 It hit out after a report from the Parliamentary Ombudsman sharply criticised the Ministry of Agriculture over its failure to ‘ devise and implement a scheme which complied with the legislation ’ to pay compensation .
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