Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] that [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Duress that invalidates consent consists either of a credible threat to take substantial action against the agent or against a person or a cause that he values if he does not consent or in the taking of such actions against him or against persons or causes that he values with an offer to restore the situation if he does consent .
2 Even making allowances for these factors , a person might be insulted if the actor makes it plain by his words or conduct that he holds in contempt those ( including the victim ) who do not share his point of view .
3 At the simplest level this means deciding that someone wearing , say , a skirt in our society is female and acting on the basis of this decision , or deciding that someone shouting at the top of his or her voice is excited or angry and acting accordingly .
4 The qualities that are disapproved of are ones they do n't think they have , or consider that they keep under control .
5 The judge gave Vernage five life sentences and recommended that he serve at least 25 years .
6 The executives agreed and asked that I act as the facilitator .
7 The kangaroo court decided the punishment must fit the crime and ruled that he stay in his cell during the jailhouse comedy .
8 Validation of the suffering individual , treating him or her with kindness , professional respect and dignity , being open and honest , separating the awareness of the disease from the understanding of the suffering human being , following the distorted reasoning and disturbed actions and accepting that they appeared to the sufferer to be most appropriate at the time they were committed .
9 And there was scarcely a shirt to be found that did not have the high necks and ruffles that she favoured in the early days .
10 Zen gulped down the rest of his coffee and announced that he had to be going .
11 She sought his mouth again , wrapping her arms around his neck , offering and receiving a kiss so fierce , impatient and demanding that she clung to him and she lost her balance , fell against him , felt him gather her up against the inflammatory hardness of his body and lift her on to the bed .
12 Such patients often differ only in the time taken to reach hospital , and to claim that they differ in any more fundamental way is pure sophistry .
13 The Prester was believed to have written to the Byzantine Emperor Manuel Comnenus , enumerating the wonders of his kingdom , and affirming that he ruled over the three Indies and over seventy kings , and that twenty bishops , twelve archbishops and a patriarch acknowledged his authority .
14 In it the pope said nothing about homage , and argued temperately against lay investitures , minimizing their importance , and denying that he sought for himself any increase of authority or any diminution of the king 's due power .
15 Schulz considers a number of explanations for the phenomenon she describes , and concludes that it arises from men 's prejudice against women and their fear of women 's ‘ natural ’ power or biological superiority .
16 We must face the issue seriously and not in the way in which the Prime Minister faced the issue at Harare when he said that he would write off some of the debts in return for the acceptance of an economic model imposed by the International Monetary Fund , and say that there has to be a write-off of debt .
17 Man himself has to decide on the nature of ‘ goodness ’ , and to accept that it has to be found within the life on earth as it actually is .
18 She took a path across the land at the side of the house and found that it led to a small wood which girdled the top of the hill on which the house was built .
19 He was a very successful , very good-looking professional in his mid-thirties — just as Tom Russell was , although that was irrelevant , of course — and to find that he seemed to be interested in her was satisfying somehow .
20 Then , assuming " phantom " chains , the change in free energy per chain as the end-to-end vector R changes to is Averaging over all chains and remembering that we have For a network of n chains per unit volume the change in free energy will be n times this .
21 ‘ It will be said and believed that you lay in wait for Aldhelm and killed him , so that he could never point the finger at you . ’
22 There is a particularly fine example in the last pas de deux of La Fille Mal Gardée where Lise and Colas weave themselves into an embrace which is so tender , gentle and loving that it arrives at the end of a phrase as the most natural thing in the world .
23 If a person goes to the town hall and says that he qualifies for a discount , the authority will need proof .
24 He talks of my ‘ reticence and charm ’ and says that I looked like an ‘ office-worker ’ !
25 Sometimes new uses for a well-established term are so strange and mystifying that they refuse to ‘ take ’ .
26 No longer through Bibles , sacred texts and holy writ is the world conquered , but by the promise that if the poorest countries will carry out the prescriptions — indeed , the orders — of the western financial institutions , they too will achieve the levels of affluence and ease that they see in the western world .
27 Zande thus believe this power to be sex-linked and consider that it increases with age : children may be capable of bewitching , but the power is weakly developed in them ; in mature adults it is more strongly realized .
28 Please acknowledge receipt of this letter and confirm that you agree to the above conditions .
29 Although such characteristics probably do play some secondary role , we find this interpretation unconvincing and suspect that it stems from a need to make a connection with what are perceived as the relatively more ‘ attractive ’ features of psychosis , rather than with those emphasised in descriptions of schizophrenia , a concept that has taken on almost entirely negative connotations .
30 Accordingly , Leonard investigated the connections of the dorsomedial thalamus in rats and showed that it projects to two cortical areas , one lying on the medial edge of the anterior cortex and the other on the lateral edge , in the rhinal fissure .
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