Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [adv] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When I went to the bus I realised I only had one bag instead of two so I rushed back but no-one had seen the bag in the pub or the shops .
2 Nevertheless , the NRPB found it probably did significant harm .
3 I accept that very frequently a decision made which directly affects one person or body will also affect , indirectly , a number of other persons or bodies , and that the law does not require the decision-making body to give an opportunity to every person who may be affected however remotely by its decision to make representations before the decision is reached .
4 And although it was customary for the same actor to double as Mr Darling and Captain Hook the way St Ives played them there seemed little difference between the two — he romped in the nursery and he sky-larked aboard the Jolly Roger .
5 I told you before to get some mince and put potatoes in and that , see
6 ‘ Furthermore , I told him either to provide substantive proof of his allegations or be prepared to be sued for defamation of character . ’
7 He opened pale , hurt eyes when Carrington told him not to take more drink excepting tea , and swore it had not entered his head .
8 The probationers told him to remember that every minute he was getting a little better , and Ward Sister told him not to make any effort , and not to try to take anything by the mouth .
9 Well I woke myself up snoring last night .
10 What 's , what made you actually choose this position ?
11 He begged me not to take that job at Warrington .
12 They cheered when Peter 's wife threw his incessantly chirruping portable phone out of the window .
13 I find that the minute I write down , erm , you know , somebody phones me and says I want another meeting with you , let's make it for next Friday at three o'clock in the afternoon , and I find within half an hour of me writing that down on the calendar card in ink , er , the people who 's parentage I then start to question , phone back and say well whoops , you know we , we forgot we actually had another meeting then , and so on and so forth .
14 For instance , he taught me how to use nitrous oxide for its effect in combating physical pain .
15 In return for their support he gave them lessons in how to oppose colonialism , in the development of national pride , and he taught them how to direct social discontent into reasoned political activity .
16 The whole hospital was made up of various bungalows which surrounded one newly built principal building .
17 The military experts taught her how to take evasive action and speed away from danger .
18 She swung her heavily stuffed silver-mesh purse on its long chain and made something like a little skipping step towards the door Nicandra thought she had never looked prettier .
19 I thought the part that , you know , she forgot it er well I know she did n't forget it , she just did it on purpose , but three days after my birthday it 's her wee brother 's first birthday and she had , she had the nerve to ring me up and invite me to her brother 's first birthday party accept and go up there with a present and a card and all and she could n't even have rang me up to say happy birthday So I have n't
20 Accordingly workers striking on an economic upswing often found employers more ready to negotiate than to prosecute , although if masters decided to combine to take on the union by resisting a wage demand or even enforcing a cut and bound themselves not to employ each other 's dismissed workmen , the law might be a more ready resort .
21 Although it was very late , Otto whisked us off to dine that night at a restaurant some way along the coast .
22 An attendant warned us not to deface public property .
23 No. 4 Commando positions were being heavily mortared when I arrived , and Jock , my friend of many years ago , took me off to find some shelter in a dug-out , giving at least some protection from the flying shrapnel .
24 Thought I just called that Silk Screen did n't I ?
25 The first former 's stared at her in surprise , they knew she never mended any thing if she could help it .
26 ‘ I thought you only had one dog , ’ he remarked , ‘ the other one 's invisible . ’
27 When a chance came up to do them early we took it , although it meant we only had nine working days to fit in with Magnox Shutdown .
28 The Gardeners had already obtained their Charter in 1606 ; the Apothecaries felt they also warranted separate identification .
29 They sent her back to get another A-level , then welcomed her as a mature student at the ripe old age of 34 .
30 But when Grandma died he just lost all interest in the garden , and since no one had the time to take it on , it became neglected .
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