Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] when [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 She stopped rehearsing when they reached the end of Act One .
2 African-Americans in South Central mostly hate Korean store owners and there 's no getting around the fact , as Jesse Jackson tried to do when he said the assaults on Koreans were not racist .
3 I thought of the stack of dirty crocks to tackle after tea , of pictures and furniture that were once polished every week , and now got done when I had the time .
4 Suddenly she dropped his hand and slid her arms about his waist , knowing she 'd won when she felt the thunder of his heart against her cheek as she burrowed her face against his chest .
5 The leaders of the teams on the controls could see her , so she would n't have to mess around with semaphore and bits of thread like they 'd done when they left the Store .
6 This was the inheritance which Nicholas II ( 1894–1917 ) pledged to uphold when he ascended the throne .
7 She was therefore a little disconcerted to find when they left the station that instead of waiting for a taxi Lady Selvedge began to stride away in the direction of Victoria Street , saying ‘ I know just the place for us to get a snack .
8 My eyes were immediately attracted to the table and my mouth started watering when I saw the home-made cakes and jam tarts laid out on a white lace tablecloth .
9 There were more trucks around it , and also several humans that started to run when they saw the shadow of the Ship .
10 Briefly put , the law is now back to what Parliament had intended when it enacted the Act of 1906 — but stronger and clearer than it was then . ’
11 If they had realised when they answered the advertisement in the Evening Citizen that it was bare metal , they would have gone elsewhere .
12 In September 1991 , Bernhard flew his small aircraft along , and videoed , the exact route and at the same altitude that W1048 had flown when she attacked the Tirpitz in 1942 .
13 Her initial insane reaction to the loss had eased when she confronted the reality of the other woman and the new tears played an essential part in her healing .
14 Phoebe , on the other hand , suddenly could not remember what false name she had given when she made the appointment .
15 Darkness had fallen when we reached the beaches , having travelled over ground in places very familiar .
16 Sara had smiled when she read the letter .
17 For example , in many road accident situations , the witness will only have realised that an accident had occurred when they heard the crash , and looked round and saw the aftermath , although they will try and tell you that they actually saw the vehicles colliding .
18 It gained substance when Representative Susan Molinari , Republican for New York , related what she and her staff had experienced when they occupied the office before Orton .
19 The romantic fantasy world that she had entered when she left the train with Ludo was dissolving in the light of reality .
20 She felt suddenly dirtied by death , ashamed of the knowledge she had gained when she witnessed the cessation of breathing that marked the end of her parents ' lives , sad and sullied by the separations she had lived through .
21 Her waterdetector — now lost — had twanged when they crossed the Spanish Fork city limits .
22 She made one last feeble attempt to avoid the escalation of physical craving between them , knowing she had lost when she heard the unusual huskiness of her own voice , and saw Rune 's eyes darken in immediate response .
23 Morgan 's interest in anthropology had begun when he noticed the systematic pattern created by the totality of the terms used to refer to relatives and kinsmen .
24 Her mother , Pamela Bootyman , said her daughter 's behaviour had changed when she reached the age of 12 or 13 .
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