Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 It remained unclear to many analysts , however , whether the " no " vote was a rejection of demilitarization , or the expression of general uncertainty about the preservation of national sovereignty , given that Endara owed his installation in office to the December 1989 US military invasion of the country [ see pp. 37112-13 ] and that his government was widely considered to be subservient to US interests in the region .
2 He had obviously decided to be pleasant to her .
3 On the other hand , Virtual Network Architecture is nicely positioned to be scalable to the wide area .
4 We ride a long way and in late afternoon ( sun time rather than clock time , which has long ceased to be important to us ) we stop for coffee so that Odd-Knut can work out a route .
5 In cases where the terms are likely to be subjected to such scrutiny , they must therefore be sufficiently balanced to be acceptable to the client 's trading partners .
6 There can be no doubt that the way of life argument is widely felt to be relevant to the issue of primary school closure in rural areas .
7 Then , again , and in this they point ahead to the invention of collage , the letters and numerals stress the material existence of the painting in another way : by applying to a canvas or sheet of paper letters , other pieces of paper or fragments of glass and tin — elements generally considered to be foreign to the technique of painting or drawing — the artist makes the spectator conscious of the canvas , panel or paper as a material object capable of receiving and supporting other objects .
8 The enterprise of attempting to specify exhaustively the range of possible surface variants of a variable is thus argued to be irrelevant to a satisfying and explanatory account of syntactic variation .
9 In particular the new ‘ light ’ industry regions no longer needed to be near to coal .
10 Such enzymes do exist — they are known as reverse transcriptases — but they are generally believed to be exclusive to RNA viruses , which need them to transcribe their RNA genes into DNA for replication inside cells .
11 In short , the computer system is seen as unreliable , inaccessible , inflexible and therefore largely irrelevant to the needs of local managers Once seen to be irrelevant to local needs , there is little hope of sufficient local commitment to the system to ensure the accuracy of data supplied .
12 The service is specially priced to be affordable to domestic users .
13 Look here , the there 's a programme on about er , Rembrandt here and it said of the ni , nine hundred and eighty eight Rembrandts in nineteen thirteen , only around three hundred are still thought to be genuine to a display of art
14 Male dysfunction due to fear or anxiety about such a condition is much more likely to be responsible ; and female dysfunction or dissatisfaction is often mistakenly thought to be due to it when the true causes lie elsewhere .
15 I 've always tried to be truthful to you , Frances . ’
16 The poet praises Beowulf by linking his killing of the monster Grendel with the feats of Sigmund , who was clearly expected to be familiar to an English audience .
17 The northern manor house was formerly thought to be secondary to the Norman one , but it now seems that they were originally a pair .
18 Cider vinegar is also thought to be beneficial to arthritis sufferers .
19 In spite of all the traumas of the last four years Meg 's inner self was too confidently rooted to be prone to that kind of sexual or social self-abasement .
20 The rainforest is also held to be useful to us because it will help to mitigate the worst impacts of global warming .
21 The standards of cleanliness and hygiene in our feed mills is now expected to be close to human food factories , and this is monitored by the Company 's Quality and Service audits .
22 Those who taught the ‘ liberal studies ’ components were often accused of being unsympathetic to ‘ the activities of the scientist and technologist ’ .
23 This separating layer is undoubtedly mainly a protein and was originally thought to be similar to keratin which is the protein in hair .
24 The diets of older people will often consist of foods favoured in their younger days , but which are now known to be deleterious to health .
25 They were never importunate , never servile ; they never tried to lure Europeans into the kind of patron-client relationship which is often assumed to be vital to the functioning of the colonial psyche but which many Englishmen in fact found more annoying than gratifying .
26 The impasse in the latest round of negotiations was widely believed to be due to continued French opposition to US proposals for a cut in the volume of EC-subsidised cereal exports .
27 Shannon had , rather uncharitably , put it down to the lure of the man 's fame — people simply liked to be close to the famous .
28 The opening of the Aswan Dam in 1970 was also initially considered to be beneficial to Egypt 's agricultural productivity , as its capacity to control the Nile 's sometimes erratic flow facilitated the conversion of all arable land to perennial cropping .
29 We leave it to the reader to show that this leads rapidly to 3 = 5 with x3 proportional to{ 1,0 , — 1,1 } an that unc is then found to be proportional to ( 27 , -11 , -15.8 ) .
30 Chinese scientists have reported encouraging results in trials of a new rice variety genetically engineered to be resistant to one of the crop 's major diseases .
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