Example sentences of "[noun prp] [unc] [noun] [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Whitlow 's survey also shows that non-agricultural land in Zimbabwe is not seriously affected by erosion , since 95.2 per cent of these areas are in the lowest erosion classes ( Fig. 7.3 ) , and that in Zimbabwe there are 1.83 × 10 6 ha of eroded land overall , of which 83 per cent occurs in the Communal Lands .
2 Unlike many art groups , Byfleet 's members actually paint and draw together , while tutor members are on hand to offer valuable and constructive advice .
3 Unlike many art groups , Byfleet 's members actually paint and draw together , while tutor members are on hand to offer valuable and constructive advice .
4 Mr Murdoch 's empire recently admitted that mounting debts were taking a toll of its finances — an admission which analysts interpreted as a sign that the group , which owns five British national newspapers , would not be making any purchases for the time being .
5 ‘ La Malfa 's resignation just shows that anyone who has been involved in government for so long can be involved ( in corruption ) , however pure he may claim to be , ’ he said .
6 AEG 's experience thus guarantees that the availability of energy can be relied upon at all times .
7 Experiments with ZETA were underway in 1957 and Thonemann 's team successfully demonstrated that they could produce quasi-stable highly ionised plasmas with densities of 1013 to 1014 ( ten to one hundred thousand billion ) particles per cm 3 , at temperatures of about 5 million degrees for times of milliseconds .
8 In the early , fourteenth century , Edward 's lawyers also argued that the treaty was in any case no longer valid .
9 Ken 's enthusiasm never diminished and up until his recent heart trouble his work rate for the club was never less than 114 per cent .
10 Barnes 's decision therefore came as somewhat of a slap in the face to these well rehearsed points .
11 Christopher 's schedule already highlights that his style will be very different from that of his predecessor James Baker , who was the architect of the Arab-Israeli peace talks .
12 The ANC 's statement also claimed that the disclosures demonstrated that the lifting of economic sanctions [ see p. 38318 ] had been premature .
13 On the other hand , we would add that the lesson of Hegel 's , Marx 's , and Sartre 's attempt also suggests that history can not be coherently essentialist and teleological either .
14 But Nutty 's team just ran when they were doing other things , like to school or to the refrigerator factory , and Nails ran up to Carter 's field every night and down every morning and swam a few lengths of the Smiths ' pool to get the smell of compost off him when the others complained .
15 After seventy-three minutes of a disappointingly dull game , Lewis pounced on a shot by Cardiff 's Ferguson only to find that the sheen of his new Jersey caused the ball , with its polished leather , to slip from under him towards goal .
16 Ward 's counsel also suggested that at the time of her original trial large amounts of vital evidence had not been passed on to the defence .
17 Mr Baker 's comments yesterday implied that the US government would be prepared to use its troops to back a Panamanian coup , but not this coup .
18 The hectic flush on Isabel 's face gradually faded as she watched fitzAlan leave .
19 Alison 's heart probably slowed because of the anaesthetic together with pressure on a nerve from a tube going into her throat .
20 The bleeper clipped to Whitlock 's belt suddenly activated and he was quick to silence it .
21 Lady Isabella 's face now paled and Sir Richard refused to look up .
22 The logic of this passage from Lord Diplock 's speech clearly requires that judges , when having regard to previous comparable awards , should ascertain from the appropriate table of retail indices what has been the decrease in the value of money since the date of a particular comparable award in order that their award " in the money of the day " may be truly comparable in real terms with the earlier award .
23 Glynn 's fax duly arrived and when it became apparent that the wiring was beyond the skills of a cack-handed caveman they promptly offered to collect the guitar ( I only live in Aberdeen ! ) , modify it and return it within a few working days .
24 The IMF 's projections also show that America 's recession has failed to curb its inflation decisively : according to the forecast , inflation will average 5% this year and 4% in 1992 .
25 Patterson 's evidence plainly indicates that there has been a gradual swing away from front values in the past century or so .
26 Ian found Williams 's assertion hard to believe but he pushed his chair back , conceding defeat .
27 Butler and Stokes ' surveys even suggest that part of the electoral swing to the Tories was for no more substantial a reason than the belief among some electors in the ‘ circulation of the parties ’ , i.e. the sentiment that ‘ it 's time the other party had a go ’ .
28 She foretold the invasion and defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 ; and Samuel Pepys ' Diary grimly records that Mother Shipton gave forewarning of the Great Fire of London in 1666 .
29 Yet , Hurd 's suggestions implicitly assume that both states are stable political entities — which they are not .
30 Yeltsin 's proposals specifically envisaged that he , as Chair of the Supreme Soviet , should be given powers to issue " binding orders " , as should the Prime Minister .
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