Example sentences of "[noun pl] be only just [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The standpoint of Coburn 's story was an extrapolation of machine intelligence , written at a time when computers were only just beginning to encroach into the commercial environment of Britain .
2 All remembered and periodically still experienced the vicious attacks on them which the Communists were only just beginning to abandon .
3 These comments may seem to apply only to the large international manufacturing corporation , but nowadays there is no business so small that it is immune to the effects of international competition , and many service businesses are only just beginning to feel these effects .
4 ‘ Our education reforms are only just beginning to bite , ’ he said .
5 He added : ‘ Our education reforms are only just beginning to bite .
6 Secondly , social scientists are only just beginning to develop procedures for evaluating the economic costs and benefits of innovative work design ; and , thirdly , little is known about the conditions under which these innovative job designs persist across time and diffuse across companies and countries .
7 The word pirate was perhaps not so strong a term of condemnation as in later centuries : European rulers were only just beginning to acquire for themselves , on behalf of their states , a monopoly of the use of force .
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