Example sentences of "[noun pl] who have [adv] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 After the Turkish conquest of most of Hungary in the 1520s and 1530s the Hungarian nobles who had then fled westwards often still maintained claims to their former lands and even asserted their right to live tax-free on them for a limited period and to levy feudal dues in them .
2 Traders buying nutmegs and doves from Arabian merchants had been aware of their existence for centuries ; Marco Polo knew roughly where they were , for he saw junk traffic in the ports of Cathay loaded down with spices and manned by suntanned crews who had clearly come there from the south .
3 It was appropriate to the spirit of jazz ( and a useful antidote to the inevitable toe-curling staginess of awards ceremonies in general ) to present two bands of joint American-British instrumentalists who had not worked together before to see what would happen .
4 At Bhamdoun , a hill resort with a little railway station , an ornate French signal box and a clutch of mosques and apartment blocks built by the Saudis who had once gone there for their summer holidays , Syrian shellfire had smashed into the shops and flats , punching a hole into the wall of the Carlton Hotel .
5 Persons who have not contracted directly with the exchange , and this includes most customers , are not generally bound by the exchange rules , nor is the exchange itself liable to such persons .
6 The personal consequences of complete isolation in hospital for patients and families who have previously socialised freely are potentially enormous .
7 If the Minister can give us any example from the privatisation programme , in which the Government have been engaged since 1979 , of a Secretary of State coming to the House in order to bring in check private owners who have subsequently done away with the right of the employees of former public companies , I should be extremely interested to hear about it .
8 It can be proposed that the ‘ market room ’ ( on the platform ) for newcomers who have not generated completely new demand markets , is provided by their capture of markets from local firms on the platform .
9 In March 1988 considerable consternation was created , not least among teachers who had generally responded very positively to the TGAT report , by the leak of a letter about the report from the Prime Minister 's secretary to Kenneth Baker 's secretary .
10 Not to be out done on an international occasion we can report here about some of our Qualified Teachers who have temporarily laid aside their small apparatus and have become mothers again :
11 The majority of poems concerning death are most commonly laments for lost friends who have already passed away .
12 ‘ When we played St Helens in our first match we had nine players who had never competed together before , ’ he said .
13 The same tendency to concentrate on grapho-phonemic cues has , however , been demonstrated by other children who had not had predominantly phonic training .
14 Two patient subgroups were identified : these were children who had recently travelled abroad ( 11 ) , and children who had an itinerant existence within the United Kingdom , generally living in caravan sites ( 11 ) .
15 Indeed , the reason for the greater frequency of chronic diarrhoea in this study in comparison with others in the United Kingdom , may be partly explained by the subgroups of children who had recently travelled abroad and those who had an itinerant existance .
16 A recent Office of Population Censuses and Surveys report concluded that marriages between couples who had previously lived together were 60% more likely to break down .
17 And the swarm of people flowed down the path , stumbling on stones where a burn ran in winter or after thunderstorms , between the silvery wands of rowans with their clusters of blood-drops and the quivering tapestry of the alders , down into the Tay which ran from the west like molten iron , too flashing bright to look at , and over the Tay , wet to the waist ; the girls and boys who had not gone home were prancing and shrieking when they fell full length .
18 The ante-natal clinic proper , beyond the red mouth and throat of reception , was , like the whole maternity wing , part of a military hospital added hastily at the beginning of the last war , in anticipation of hosts of wounded soldiers who had never come there .
19 That is also when you hear stories of doubting runners who have not covered more than 12 miles at a time in training suddenly attempting a 20-miler four days before the actual marathon , just to see if they can get that far !
20 You are one of the brave young women who have already put forward their names for Eretz .
21 The nomes who have n't done so well since the Drive .
22 There can be few backpackers who have n't gazed dreamily at pictures of Europe 's great mountain ranges and wistfully thought ‘ That 's for me ! ’
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