Example sentences of "[noun pl] by [v-ing] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She shrugged casually , hating to spoil the impression of intimacy between herself and Piers by confessing that he had told her nothing .
2 Services should also affirm their policies on equal opportunities by ensuring that they monitor the use of their services by specific ethnic groups , test that the information they make available for the public is comprehensible and accessible , canvass users ' views of the current services , recruit staff of different ethnic backgrounds , at all levels in the organization ( although , in the case of Afro-Caribbeans in particular , this can be difficult due to the lower educational opportunities of this group and , in consequence , a paucity of suitable candidates for posts ) , and institute a programme of training for staff of all grades and backgrounds to understand their own conscious and unconscious prejudices about race and culture .
3 Anderson attempts a show of strength by using the IFID , " I demand " five times and " I insist " once , but his insecurity is indicated by the fact that he has to support his demands by asserting that he has the status permitting him to make these speech acts .
4 The courts justified this vesting of managerial autonomy over the everyday business of the company in the hands of the directors by arguing that it flowed from the construction of a company 's articles of association which formed a contract between the members of the company .
5 Humanity will insist that individuals must accept their personal obligations by acknowledging that they do have within them impulses and appetites which are a legacy from millions of years of ruthless evolution , and that the time has come when they must introduce into their lives the concept of a high standard of self-discipline to control those impulses and appetites .
6 Humanity will insist that individuals must accept their personal obligations by acknowledging that they do have within them impulses and appetites which are a legacy from millions of years of ruthless evolution , and that the time has come when they must introduce into their lives the concept of a high standard of self discipline to control those impulses and appetites .
7 In November 1989 Secord had pleaded guilty to a felony charge of making a false statement to congressional investigators by denying that he knew that funds from the Iran-contra operation had been used to instal a security system at the house of Oliver North .
8 Encourage them to express these feelings by suggesting that they state what exactly is worrying them .
9 In regard to his relations with the Vietnamese de Lattre claimed that Bao Dai was the ablest statesman in Vietnam ; but perhaps rather spoilt things by adding that there had been several recent instances when Bao Dai ‘ had showed the proper co-operative spirit and , in some cases , even initiative ’ .
10 But if we lost in 1992 — as we certainly lost in 1987 — because prosperous voters feared that we would reduce their disposable income , we will not win back those middle income families by pretending that we have abandoned the very purpose of our creation and our existence .
11 He astounded his American masters by demanding that they give him a more worthwhile job or he would be on his way home .
12 Philip Vernon was beginning to question the efficiency of tests by querying whether they measured accurately .
13 In his budget speech Neville Chamberlain had justified a £10 increase in the tax allowance for second and subsequent children by saying that he saw a time not too far distant ‘ when countries of the British Empire will be crying out for more citizens of the right breed , and when we in this country shall not be able to supply the demand .
14 He would not report her fate to the Police , and he could divert enquiries by saying that she had gone to friends in the country .
15 For example , in English Hop Growers Ltd v Derring [ 1928 ] 2 KB 174 Scrutton LJ said " I have always for myself regarded it as in the public interest that parties who , being in an equal position of bargaining , make contracts , should be compelled to perform them , and not to escape from their liabilities by saying that they had agreed to something which was unreasonable " .
16 One of the big problems the widower does have is that he does not feel so free to express his grief to others by weeping when he talks of his wife , their life together and the events that led up to her death .
17 Sainsbury , for example , defend the sky-high price of their organic vegetables by saying that they take less percentage profit on them , and that the wholesalers seem to be the ones jacking up the price .
18 Local incentive schemes are the most likely way of getting general practitioners to change prescribing habits by ensuring that they see the benefits retained in local health care .
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