Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [noun sg] [is] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This , then , is a central paradox which underpins the dilemmas facing professionals and parents at Ashdown : the argument for the participation of disabled students in the decision-making processes which shape their lives and education is largely pursued in the school by able-bodied professionals .
2 At a time in their lives when self-image is intricately interwoven with feelings about sexuality and identity , young women talk about how they feel when they look in the mirror , and what they feel from the inside , looking out .
3 Oh , this , this is a very important book of course and one of the , one of the astonishing things is the way totally ignored and if you look through even people who write about psychoanalyses and the social sciences and there 's a lot of them , this book is hardly ever mentioned and I , I normally nowadays routinely look for it in the , in the references and index an and many books th that purport to talk about groups and sociology is never mentioned I think , and those that do do n't ever seem to understand what it says .
4 Severe potassium depletion is associated with muscular weakness , cardiac arrhythmias , and renal impairment , but over vigorous replacement poses dangers and potassium is best given orally .
5 Their aim is to convince the worms that rain is still falling , so that they will evacuate their burrows for fear of drowning .
6 They will want to place the promises that Labour is now making to them in that historical context .
7 The gestation period of the mouse is 20 days and parturition is often associated with a post-partum oestrus .
8 The possibility of moving to a state of mature interdependence between workers and management is thus diminished .
9 The dealer is paying £2,406.41 90 days before interest is actually paid by the original deposit taker .
10 The programme for Causewayside Phase 2 has been revised because of delays due to weather and ground conditions and completion is now expected in June 1994 .
11 There also appears to be much competition to secure the floor in those crucial minutes after Prime Minister 's Questions while business is still going out live .
12 In this event a ‘ high-bay ’ warehouse shows up to great advantage because it is feasible to mix guaranteed products with non-guaranteed products because separation is accurately maintained within the control system .
13 We all know in very broad terms that locality is somehow bound up with social relations and social change .
14 the roots of reductionism seem to drive not so much from a free-floating tolerance on the part of the people in general but from the convictions of the most influential elites that crime is best combated by social and institutional , rather than specifically penal means .
15 His fascination with tales and story-telling is regularly linked to a formalistic relish of complication for its own sake , and Barth has always detached his use of plot from mimesis .
16 With lights and sounds , the aroma of malt , hops and barley is gently wafted over the audience .
17 The steel industry is a suitable sector for comparative analysis because its produce and processes of manufacture are similar among producing regions and output is widely traded internationally .
18 In either case treatment with piperazine salts or levamisole is best administered in the drinking water , uptake being facilitated by withdrawal of water overnight before its substitution with medicated water in the morning .
19 Sophisticated technical vocabulary from medieval astrological procedures and psychology is deftly deployed , and even woven into the rhymes of the verse : thus " " conclusiouns/ interrogaciouns " " ( 3193/4 ) and " " affecioun/ymaginacioun … impressioun " " ( 3611/12 — 13 ) .
20 Inevitably , this sometimes takes a little time , but the camera crews are becoming remarkably skilled at finding the Members and delay is now minimised .
21 Access to the bars and restaurant is currently achieved only through the hotel reception .
22 The insured must bear the costs of the Engineers fees unless liability is subsequently established under the policy .
23 Police say that despite new initiatives that figure is still rising .
24 However , he has insisted on a better system of debtor management with a proper analysis of debtor accounts and a tighter credit policy , has required full explanations of any discounted room rates or complimentaries and has introduced spot checks to compare the Housekeeper 's reports and Reception 's daily letting reports .
25 At first sight the last category might not seem to fit the dating criteria since glass is strictly speaking amorphous rather than crystalline , but it can have a sufficiently crystalline structure for TL to be produced .
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