Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [be] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is important that fieldwork should be properly supervised and that is why all professional research agencies get their field supervisors to make check calls on people who have been included in a sample and why fieldworkers should always have someone to turn to if they have any doubts or are in any difficulties .
2 I mean did you see that them lads that were round that discussion .
3 The other was Vasiliki ware ; this marked the end of the pattern burnish technique and the beginning of a new finish , a reddish-brown wash deliberately applied unevenly in order to simulate the mottled texture of the stone vases that were at that time so fashionable in eastern Crete ( Figure 32C ) .
4 10.7.1 Subject to due performance of its obligations hereunder each Party shall be entitled , subject to reimbursement of the costs of collation reproduction and delivery , to receive copies of all results and of such background technical information of the other Parties as is in each case reasonably necessary for such Party independently to exploit results in the manner specified herein .
5 For him , the first question is , ‘ By what criteria do we come to locate or mislocate sensations as being in some sense of ‘ in ’ in the right knee or in the pit of the stomach ? ’ , as though it were obviously not simply a matter of having the sensation in a certain place .
6 Ryle asks , ‘ By what criteria do we come to locate or mislocate sensations as being in some sense of ‘ 'in ’ in the right knee or in the pit of the stomach ? ’
7 The exposure draft also incorporates substantial revisions to the IAS , including : disclosure of the profit or loss from ordinary activities and extraordinary items on the face of the income statement ; guidance to assist in the identification of extraordinary items ( outside the ordinary activities of an enterprise and of a non-recurring nature ) ; a requirement to disclose the nature and amount of items of income and expense within profit or loss from ordinary activities that are of such size , nature or incidence that their disclosure is relevant to explain the performance of the enterprise for the period ; and additional disclosures in respect of discontinued operations .
8 Dr Mick Kelly , a co-author of Cities at Risk , said 60 per cent of the world 's population live in low-lying coastal zones that are at some risk from sea-level rises .
9 Oh you should 've heard him other day , all Parker pens that are in this house are his he says
10 It is those objects from distant days that are in some way in unexpected contrast to what we use today that are most effective in establishing in a reader 's mind the ambience of those times .
11 When God made the plants that are on this Earth , first He made their stalks and leaves .
12 It would also appear that the traditional British fleet had not previously fished for those stocks and was at that time still unable to exploit them fully .
13 4.1 Our proposals for reform recognise the importance of two principles : First , a landlord or a tenant of property should not continue to enjoy rights nor be under any obligation arising from a lease once he has parted with all interest in the property .
14 I think that recently we seem to have had such , so many changes in the health authority , so many different peoples in the post who all seem to be doing the same sort of thing , who 've got the Family Health Services Authority set up , but it would seem to me that some of the things that are on this piece of paper are things that I understood were being done by the Family Health Services Authority .
15 Can erm one of you look in this week 's Advertiser , and any sort of talks and things that are on this week if they 've got a phone number to contact , give them a buzz and see if they mind us recording it .
16 all the other things that were on this disc originally .
17 Surely ( so the argument might be continued ) the interesting cases of knowledge are those which permit meaningful questions about criteria , and such cases necessarily involve states of affairs that are in some sense publicly accessible .
18 Do we really need lots of people sitting around pondering on research topics that are of little benefit to man or beast ?
19 That could , that needs to be maintained , it could also be extended , though of course they have great difficulties because of er their , their own financial restrictions , but we also , I think as a community , need to think about who these homeless people are , and , and not to regard them as some kind of alien population , but to realise that there are , they are our own neighbours , they are our own families that are in this predicament , and that collectively we need to join together and actually make demands on central government and locally to try and do something about it .
20 The Doctor , the guy with the blue box , could normally be relied on to deal with problems of this magnitude , but on this occasion he had apparently failed to understand that Pool was made of human brains and was in any case crazy .
21 However , the literature so far described is concerned almost entirely with social work at the micro level : individuals , families and small groups , much of it using techniques that are of little relevance to community work , for example behaviour modification .
22 Er and then to contrast this you 've got like the feminist view er well it 's a just reconstruct a lot of these ideas instead of saying that women 's talk was diffident they said it was more considerate , and so the idea that quite often A lot of the features that are in this conversation are n't because women want to be deferential to the men they 're talking to , it 's that they actually want to show some consideration to the turn-taking or the conversational style that 's going on .
23 Ley hunters today tend to think of leys purely as alignments and are to some extent dubious about Watkins 's idea of old straight tracks-though the South American paths do present a question mark here .
24 They are usually stuffed away in dark corridors or storerooms that are of little use to the centre itself , and are given low priority , so receive only small funding .
25 In professional practice it is the duty of the advocate to call the attention of the court to all decisions that are in any way against the submissions he makes ; but this may not be possible in moot conditions .
26 Other publications emanating from official enquiries , such as the French National Assembly 's postwar investigation of the events of the 1930s , may without being corrupt , nevertheless reflect special interests and be to that extent unrepresentative .
27 Yet it would be dangerous to regard such divisions as being in any way rigid .
28 The Bank of England has special responsibility for regulation of the markets that are in any way involved in the operation of the payments mechanism and that might affect monetary policy .
29 This part of the module header specifies the other modules that are in some way related to this module .
30 MODULE-RELATIONS-ARE specifies the other modules that are in some way related to this module .
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