Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [conj] [pron] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 When she 'd said she was worried about her superiors , he 'd felt like telling her that he had her superiors right where he wanted them , but he could n't .
2 This emphasis upon the need for cultural and social reinforcement , though often overlooked by educationalists , is crucially important if the learning process is to be useful and related to the experience of the community groups so that they feel they can go on to employ practical applications of their learning .
3 And when you gallop them you put the rugs on and you walk them home quietly i if it 's a nice day like this , you give them a pick of grass in the paddock .
4 Mark took these pictures down because he knew they would terrify his patients .
5 Lyn took one of the gravel paths into the grounds of the general hospital , walking towards the sun that dazzled her eyes so that she screwed them up against it .
6 I prefer to leave pictures just as I finish them in front of the subject .
7 You can explain to him about your system and he 'll put the books back where he found them . ’
8 And er Sun Life who 're a , who , who er you know are favourite for er for er gilts management , er er were busy buying index-linked gilts about twelve months ago when nobody wanted them .
9 On the other , simultaneously , He moves across the surface of the sea : upon the face , riding the waves even as He creates them , surfing the world into existence .
10 The tears welled up into her eyes again and she dashed them away with an impatient hand .
11 He is eager to cultivate such sales channels worldwide because he feels them to be an under-exploited source of revenue .
12 But this hardly solves the problem of knowing how to obtain the relevant indices just when we need them .
13 However , it 's not easy to drive nails exactly where you want them , especially into walls , and it 's difficult to get them out again once they 're in .
14 ‘ Impossible — Wings Balsdon 's got the goons just where he wants them
15 But erm er the school days I think were were really the best days of our lives , but they we were the happiest days anyway because I enjoyed them and most kids enjoyed school in those days , not like it is today .
16 The colours just as he left them . ’
17 It was n't till years later that I realised they had n't even remembered to ask if f was a lesbian .
18 ‘ There 's nothing glamorous about war , ’ he 'd tell the boys years later when he found them watching yet another Great American War Movie on the TV .
19 There was a vogue for bidets in California some years ago but he thinks they are primarily symbolic as jacuzzis have become .
20 erm sort of , at fir , you know , at first I thought sometimes you know oh , you know what 's the matter with you like but , she admits herself , her I Q , you know how they judge your intelligence has gone right down , she has to have tests every now and again , er she ca n't concentrate on things , or , you know some things she just ca n't do any more , so she 's at , supposed to be getting all this compensation and it 's been going on now , it was two years ago , three years ago that we met them and she 's only just had the first part of her money , she 's had five thousand pounds , that 's all she can get for the time being all the rest is , cos all solicitors and everything and doctors having to come and check things , so she knows , she knows she 'll get money eventually , but er , it 's just when , but is n't it an awful thing ?
21 walnuts never if you crack them along the seam they never come out whole , you always break into the nut
22 He said nothing as we climbed the stairs , but he did n't switch the lights on as we passed them on the landing .
23 Supposed to have eggs in but I forgot them , but you do n't cook it .
24 I were that busy taking things back and I got them out .
25 they want eight hundred and fifty odd thousand pounds now and nobody watching them
26 So I will always remind you of those things even though you know them as a firmly established in the truth .
27 He continued to wear glasses even when he found them unnecessary simply because they had become part of his image .
28 She had deluded herself ; she had believed that innocence of spirit and a devout purpose were adequate guides through this treacherous domain , but the facts were clear enough now : she had diminished mystery to pious platitude , and some devious element at work in the deeps of her imagination was scorning her efforts even as she made them
29 Finniston still puts great store in these qualities today and he believes they equally apply to any kind of company or organisation .
30 Hanson buys firms either because it believes them to be under-managed , or because it believes the firms ' existing managers have over-extended themselves .
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