Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] we [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Erm , it would seem sensible if we look across the whole commission to try and even things out .
2 I did n't want to be different when we went to the dance . ’
3 Nor is the situation any different when we look at the trial-and-error component of the behaviour by which bees learn to harvest flower species efficiently .
4 It 's inserted into the poem in two ways : first the devils are identified with the pagan gods — they are introduced , indeed , with a great fanfare in the first book and given all sorts of classical erm and oriental names , and Milton explains to us that of course it was the devils themselves who managed to disperse this tradition that that 's who they really were ; and second , and though less central and less impressive in its poetic results , is perhaps the second device which is more interesting when we think of the poem in terms of Milton 's personal involvement .
5 Suddenly rain poured down , and although we hurried back to the house , we were quite wet when we arrived in the hall .
6 I was three years old when we moved across the dale to Low Birk Hatt Farm .
7 ‘ I was n't nervous until we got over the drop zone and I thought ‘ What am I doing here ? ’ ’
8 This would have been impossible unless we camped at the foot of Beinn Eibhinn , or had started from Loch Ossian at dawn , or were two gold medalist fell-runners .
9 It was getting dark as we got to the mountains of Burma .
10 It is now getting dark as we settle for the night in the German slit trenches and I share a trench with three French Commandos .
11 The journey itself was pretty tiring , taking 21 hours in total and we arrived at the hotel at 5am .
12 Sunday dawned dry and we gathered in the church again for morning prayer ; followed by breakfast .
13 It is unfortunate that we have in the Australia v New Zealand Second Test seen a player have his nose broken through illegal play , and the player 's union concerned choosing not to use this new law change .
14 We quickly reconfirm three items — our heading ( from the compass , cross-checked from the cockpit shadow ) , the time since our last accurate position check — the mast ( at 75kts , a thumb 's length is about 4 minutes ) and our airspeed ( unchanged since we settled in the cruise . )
15 The dubiousness of this is obvious when we reflect on the failure of the state to stop all manner of illicit and illegal activity .
16 The groups in our survey worked to make sure that we look at the needs , advice needs that they have , and that 's brought out .
17 my Lord we have said in a number of places the claims are erm unlawful and we refer to the fact that the claims come out of the central fund bi-law
18 He said : ‘ The selection committee is multi-racial and we came with the 30 best players we could pick .
19 Erm , I really feel that this consultation is coming more than a too late because we started on the slippery slope when the consortium was er first dreamed of o , you know about a year ago and set up in April and that really this is the sort of the inexorable next move , and this consultation is far far too late !
20 That 's what I thought the trolley sounded like as we went through the green channel .
21 On one of these trips to London when I was at school , good when we went with the Brownies , I went two or three times and er , one time when I was a bit older , I mean the first time I went as I say I was only about seven , but , when I was a bit older I went again , they said if
22 At first it was also quite disorientating but incredibly fascinating as we swam through the clear water amongst a tremendous variety of brightly coloured fish , anemones , coral and sponges .
23 If we could have an agreement on reductions in the number of warheads , it would show clearly that although we possess nuclear weapons , their scale does not have to be as great as we considered in the recent past .
24 A major emphasis was placed on Intercession and listening to God This was invaluable as we prepared for the first section of outreach in Budapest , Hungary .
25 Speaking of the activities of elementary particle physicists , he writes that whereas the activity appears essential as long as we believe in the independent existence of fundamental laws that we can still hope to know better , it loses practically its whole motivation as soon as we believe that the sole objective of the scientists is to make their impressions mutually consistent .
26 As long as we start from the conception of a rational agent , it appears easy to decide whether an inclination is egoistic ; it will be so if its goal by the agent 's own standards is beneficial to himself .
27 How far such resistance is possible varies according to the research methods employed but , generally speaking , we know more about the poor and the powerless than we do about the rich and the powerful .
28 That 's one of the reasons why it is important that we come around the Lord 's table .
29 So before we proceed further it is important that we look at the units and measurement of temperature , pressure and volume .
30 It 's important that we look at the pattern of our spending as a local authority over the past five or six years .
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