Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The whole concept of quotas should be abandoned because of the economic damage that they cause by preventing the proper and flexible use of farmers ' resources and assets and by preventing technological innovation .
2 In the latter half of the twentieth century , belief in Sandys ' nuclear philosophy counted for less than the political opportunity that it provided for ending National Service .
3 We must either have such confidence in social work 's professional values that we wait for everything to sort itself out , or social workers must grasp their own destiny .
4 Although it looked completely different , it was this truck that gave me the concept for ‘ MiniMag ’ , the 27ft ( 8m ) articulated truck that we used for Mrs Thatcher 's open-air meetings in the 1987 election .
5 B minor , Campra 's key of unhappy love , serves for the quasi-dialogue in which Dido begs Aeneas to stay , his reluctant departure at the bidding of the gods , and her vain plea that he return to her ( movements 7–9a ) .
6 When I first started teaching drama I accepted the prevailing dogma that you started by getting children to work individually , then in pairs , then in small groups and eventually ( when they were really good at drama ) in larger groups !
7 It is a liquid protein that they squeeze from little nozzles at the rear of the abdomen which hardens as it meets the air .
8 It is with the greatest possible pleasure that I write to you once more , this time to confirm that your Company 's independence has been preserved after a battle which has lasted over nine months .
9 Sara , for instance , personally persuaded two of her pregnant friends to attend the antenatal classes for pregnant teenagers that she went to more effectively than any advertising campaign .
10 Well being Milton , and being very thorough , he gives us long lists , of course , of dozens of possible subjects that he had in mind , but he seems to have taken the King Arthur story very seriously .
11 As somebody who is still under thirty and er like my good friend Mister young enough to have a positive approach to Europe , I am pleasantly surprised that the people opposite are gon na make my job a lot easier because the narrowness and the anti-diluvian attitudes that we see on the benches opposite explain why , in the last Euro elections , the Labour Party won a resounding victory on the issue of Europe .
12 Empowering local communities , that 's what really frightens the Tories , because what it means is they 'll never be able to come back with those repressive and regressive policies that they brought in two years ago .
13 But there was no way she would allow herself to be carried away by that hypnotic pull that he had over her .
14 I mean yeah as you say he 's very high personable person , there must be some reason behind it er and a lot of the theoretical reasons that he says of
15 And he talks of the , and plainly in that erm sort of mystical experience that he had with the Whiteheads , he did in , as it were , come to realize for the first time that there was in himself this desire to lead a life erm inspired by love and guided by knowledge , and to see others leading it .
16 These are extreme cases , but there are many lesser cases that we hear of more frequently , so it is not surprising that house-buyers are asking :
17 And it was undoubtedly at this deeply atavistic and liberating level that he responded from the first to tribal art .
18 Ignorance , combined with confidence that the popular support that he enjoyed inside France would make him indispensable to the Allies , may well explain his initially calm response to news of the invasion on 8 November .
19 But … through a degree of thoughtlessness and ill-considered preparation you may end up putting forward social views that you disagree with .
20 Third World states tend to take over the foreign investments that they consider to be important for national development .
21 We thank you , Lord , for the daily provision that you make for the world .
22 The ideas and concepts of the prison structure in Scotland — outlined in a speech at the conference by Alan Walker , the deputy chief executive of the SPS — so impressed a Latvian delegation that they wrote to Scotland 's Minister of State , Lord Fraser of Carmyllie , asking his permission for Walker to visit the country .
23 They are simply not they do n't expect the level of sexual tension that they seem to be identifying as a problem in Oxford .
24 While the meeting in the foyer was going on , the corporation gave a clear indication that it felt under pressure .
25 The following example combines the principle of peak load pricing with the idea of a two-part tariff that we introduced in Section 17–4 .
26 We had a thing what we called a hay-strewer ; and we had an old horse that we put in this hay-strewer .
27 It was in a similarly reflective vein that he wrote to Marion Dorn later in the year .
28 When the name was officially changed the term ‘ non-objective ’ fell into general disfavour , possibly because of a public mis-perception that it referred to art without a purpose .
29 Testing is the same sort of thing but this brings out the different functions that I talked about either summations or or products .
30 That old boy that I spoke to , when his he was with his daughter , I said you give me my bloody keys and you money !
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