Example sentences of "[adj] for [adj] a [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although it is possible for such a person to claim community charge benefit during that time , thus reducing his or her liability by up to 80 per cent. , we accept that the administrative burden imposed on both the individual and the charging authorities is unnecessarily heavy .
2 In the absence of an animal , or even in addition to it , it is quite possible that some form of comfort was found at a particular place or sanctuary , and even within the minute span of evolutionary time measured by a single generation , it is possible for such a retreat to have become a very special place for a whole family , or even a tribe .
3 It has been argued that it is wrong for such a body to impose even a limited check on the activities of an elected Government .
4 Held , granting the application , that the Act of 1987 placed the Bank of England under a wide public duty to supervise deposit-taking businesses , the fulfilment of which often required it to take urgent action in the interests of those whom the Act was designed to protect ; that a notice from the Bank of England under section 39(3) ( a ) of the Act of 1987 requiring production of documents overrode an injunction restraining that bank from disclosure of the documents to a third party , and the existence of an injunction did not constitute a reasonable excuse under section 39(11) for failure to comply with the section 39 notice ; and that the injunction should not , in any event , be interpreted as prohibiting compliance with the notice ; that it was proper for such a notice to specify the documents to which it applied by class rather than individually ; and that , accordingly , the defendants should be directed to comply with the notice ( post , pp. 717G–H , 718C , 719B–C , 721C , 722C ) .
5 It has been found in practice to be easy to explain to the lay client and easy for such a client to comprehend .
6 Like bees buzzing up and down my window pane , the instinct is too deep for such a creature to see or to reason that he is not getting the expected response .
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