Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [verb] [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 Some wintering birds remain until late March or early April and , in recent years , there has been a clear tendency for them to linger later in the year ; all the May records have been since 1968 .
2 The difference between them lies simply in the fact that while do situates the infinitive in time as an actualization , the modals only situate it as a potentiality .
3 This , of course , is very unfair : it is just not reasonable for me to flounce about in the bathroom for hours and then make a man feel inadequate when I catch him using my dental floss. or to bellow in disgust when I find out he blow-dries his hair .
4 ‘ But after what went on in the first leg , I hope we get a referee who will be strong enough to stamp out any foul play .
5 ‘ I just hope you do n't think it 's disrespectful of me saying so in the circumstances . ’
6 For all the world as if she and Miss Beard were ladies of quality , he ceremoniously handed them into the carriage , the two of them to sit together in the back , while Herbert Fraser sat beside Sean in the front .
7 De Rose had set about it by gathering together some sixty top pilots , a sparkling galaxy of stars , many of them banded together in the famous ‘ Groupe des Cigognes ( Storks ) . ’
8 He then left the children in a town centre , leaving some of them to walk home in the dark .
9 Many of them live out in the provinces so we keep a good range of beers that include some from their part of the world , ’ explained Jim .
10 Together with the first harvest sheaf hanging beside the icon for its protective magic , these are reminders that our peasant lives in several cultural times simultaneously , one of them embedded deep in the pagan past , another in the religious present , a third focused on the trip she is about to take to the town of Roslavl' .
11 At luncheon all four of them fetched up in the saloon bar of The Rose and Crown .
12 The difference between the two of them showed up in The Waste , Land drafts .
13 The town itself is in most respects unremarkable by comparison with its Devon neighbours , and like many of them flourished especially in the seventeenth century , heyday of the West Country cloth trade : when Celia Fiennes passed close by in 1698 , she found all Exeter and the country around making ‘ an incredible quantity of serges ’ which were sent from the port of Topsham to be sold in Europe .
14 Most of them ended up in the Middle East with Layforce , and when that was broken up they attached themselves to Combined Operations in Alexandria .
15 ‘ We have a long way to go before we are able to record and translate accurately such imprints of ourselves left behind in the void of time .
16 This comment reveals where many of the misconceptions that led to the official radicalization of land policy towards which ended up in the land October nineteen forty seven .
17 But caterpillars , most of which banquet out in the open , must look to their defences .
18 The huge quantity of accumulated paper values are tokens , the realisation of which lies wholly in the future and depends , on the one hand , on the conditions of capitalist reproduction and , on the other hand , on the very existence of the capitalist system .
19 That is to say , if one made the same measurement on a large number of similar systems , each of which started off in the same way , one would find that the result of the measurement would be A in a certain number of cases , B in a different number , and so on .
20 ‘ That is the talk of one casting around in the dark , ’ said Ipuky with a smile like the light covering of frost which , on hard nights in the middle of peret , fringes the rushes on the banks of the river .
21 Part of her wanted to stop and stare , entranced by the sight : the rest of her screamed silently in the darkness .
22 He stood there blankly , not knowing what to say or do , remembering only the sound of her crying out in the darkness and how awful he had felt , alone , kneeling there on the dyke , impotent to act .
23 ‘ Is there any chance of him coming out in the near future , do you think ? ’
24 It was n't a warm day though it was meant to be spring , and she felt colder thinking of him standing about in the mud of a building site .
25 A couple of weeks later , just as most of the officers and men of the Allied Screening Commission in Verona were preparing to go off for the weekend to the country , an enormous , chauffeur-driven Fiat motor car with a flag on the front of it rolled up in the drive .
26 Well when you had your grab , you used to lower it on the deck of the , deck of the erm trawler and when you open your grab , that much , a lot of it hold up in the grab you see , you could n't get so of course when you did take your grab up , lot of it went over the side .
27 In other words , you concentrate not just on what 's repressed in id , but on the structure of the ego as well , and the superego , and the course of nature part of it comes out in the book as told us that Woodrow Wilson had a tremendous superego in the form of his identification with his father , who he further identified with God , I mean , if I come over very critical indeed , and therefore , his own ego was identified with Jesus Christ .
28 I get on my knees and manage to wipe away nearly all of the blood , though some of it sticks stubbornly in the crevices of the floor .
29 But Steven had a b-i-g problem , because he had spent his whole life in Never Never , a land not best known for its grasp of real life , and his idea of what went on in the world outside was limited to the hazy notions he had picked up … from the movies .
30 My hon. Friend draws attention to the fact that there is considerable maladministration among Labour councils , as witness the discovery of what went on in the council of Brent when it was under Labour control .
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