Example sentences of "[noun sg] can be [vb pp] into [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But practical consciousness can be converted into verbal consciousness in many instances .
2 The bug can be inserted into antique furniture or pieces of art .
3 In line with the principles of defining the relevant abilities in terms of reliable test measures , intelligence can be divided into verbal ability , arithmetical ability , reasoning ability and spatial ability .
4 Daily hygiene and light household chores are counted as light exercise , while such activities as gardening , light household painting and walking are moderate exercises , so it should be stressed that exercise can be built into normal daily activities for those who are not interested in formal classes and activities .
5 Other significant additions are a new set of application programming interfaces and a command line interface so that WorldView can be slotted into corporate document-handling regimes and lastly , the ability to read Kanji documents .
6 An economy can be divided into various sectors and the net worth of each one — physical plus financial assets minus financial liabilities — can be ascertained .
7 The segregationist view is based on the belief that the multiple and complicated impairments and changes that affect the victim of dementia require specialist help , that the number of sufferers involved tends to swamp integrated services , so causing resentment and rejection by staff or by the non-demented , and that past neglect can be transformed into future enthusiastic , well resources specialism .
8 To the charge that the enormous number of local agreements can be cited as evidence of national agreements acting as little more than guidelines , the answer is given that local agreements acted as a form of pace-setting for subsequent national agreements , and that this transfer mechanism can be incorporated into wage-determination models [ Prest and Coppock , 1978 ] .
9 How the word can be changed into other words .
10 For example , concepts are analysed for their generality or degree of abstraction ; and logical structure is a matter of either similarity or dependency relationships , which in turn can be sub-divided into associational , functional and hierarchical , or procedural , logical or causal .
11 Information pulled from the database can be re-directed into other applications and EIS systems , but BusinessObjects does not update the database .
12 Information pulled from the database can be re-directed into other applications and EIS systems , but BusinessObjects does not update the database .
13 ‘ Everything that is Pool can be converted into electronic code .
14 Given that the Cockcroft foundation list can be turned into operational criteria , it would be an example of a partially ordered structure in terms of topic area .
15 However , memory can be divided into short and long term categories , and scientists think that bacterial short term memory is essentially the same as the short term memory in man .
16 With the growing emphasis on inner city renewal , attempts have been made to explore how far such land can be brought into productive use .
17 interfaces be developed so that the range of spatial operations in a system can be organized into standardized functions or tasks , and so that the spatial database can be visualized .
18 By cutting microscopic , concentric grooves , clear film can be turned into thin lightweight lenses , called kinoforms .
19 Shrubs such as holly , box , privet , euonymus and yew can be clipped into formal tiers , trained or bought as mopheads — lollipop trees — or shaped into amusing foliage statuary .
20 Where it is required to find the inverse Laplace transform of a function G(s) which may be expressed as the ratio of two polynomials , the problem is readily solved if the function can be split into partial fractions .
21 The project leader has to consider how units of travelling time can be converted into equivalent units of money .
22 The relationship between state groups and civil society was thus fundamentally different from that in Britain , a point brought into focus by Linz 's comment that the ‘ access of the political elites , the military , bureaucrats , Catholics and Opus Dei to positions of economic power in the public sector , and increasingly in the private sector , poses the interesting and difficult question of the extent to which political power can be transformed into economic power rather than the reverse ’ ( 1981 : 392 – 30 ) .
23 Even the early sea-urchin embryo can be separated into single cells and will reform a more or less normal embryo .
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