Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [verb] on [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 IN THE first part of this book Michael Shallis gives an interesting non-technical account of how modern physics has gone on from the common-sense notion of time to a whole series of fundamental changes .
2 It is undoubtedly a good thing that royal reporting has moved on from the tradition of deferential reverence in which James Whitaker first learned his trade .
3 An enormous amount of research has gone on in the last few decades into how and when settlements originated and how they have changed over time .
4 He then noticed Mrs Wilks at the telephone box and , in his rear-view mirror , he saw that the grey saloon car had pulled on to the hard shoulder and was heading towards her .
5 Only one figure had subsided on to the ground , his face to the wall , and all their gazes were on him , terrified and arrow-sharp with hatred .
6 The majority of the law lords seemed to regard the interests of the state as coterminous with the interests of the government of the day ; executive-minded comments to that effect have lingered on in the textbooks ever since , an unwanted legal legacy from this period of popular protest .
7 A great deal of work has gone on over the past few months .
8 If they are to be more than mere training , then a process of informed reflection has to go on at the same time .
9 On 28 May 1986 , Amnesty 's 25th Anniversary , St Clement Danes Church in the Strand , London , rang 5,000 chimes , roughly one for every POC case Amnesty had worked on during the year .
10 The lid had collapsed on to the remains , the sides had fallen outwards , but the two end pieces remained upright .
11 Ari 's spirits rose slightly once the group had bundled on to the highwire .
12 The trouble is that so are a lot of other people , and classy people at that , which is why old Joe ‘ I'm-a-dealer-in-architectural-antiques ’ Soap has climbed on to the pricey bandwagon .
13 Water had dripped on to the paper so that it had become sodden and merged with the lettuce leaves .
14 By now , the case of Sumner v. Virgin had dragged on in the law courts for eleven days , with the two parties holding each other up in the centre of the ring like panting heavyweights , while the legal fees gushed forth like blood from the wounds .
15 Has a lot to prove this term , after a poor season Has to move on from the promising youngster stage .
16 Verily , the game has moved on from the days when Bobby Locke could , for instance , win seven tournaments in his baptismal year on the US circuit , and four Open Championships on this side of the Atlantic , and yet virtually never feel the need to depart from his habitual draw .
17 He gives an enrapturing spot of rock ‘ n ’ roll , be-bop and soft shoe shuffle in the second act after the cast had larked on with the audience at interval-time and some brave hearts had a bit of a rave-up on stage .
18 One man had climbed on to the roof of his car .
19 Meanwhile one of the adjacent houses on Clifton Park Road had come on to the market and School had bought it .
20 Coffee cup 's lifted on in the wrong place can it ?
21 The young Lieutenant had ridden on to the blade , and Sharpe had felt nothing .
22 The debriefing had gone on through the afternoon and early evening in the sound-proofed rooms of their headquarters .
23 And by now the Prime Minister has moved on to the next sterling crisis .
24 I think it 's more likely to happen on the third or fourth flight , once the bird has caught on to the idea of freedom , which is why it 's important to keep it reasonably hungry .
25 She turned down the heat quicKly but some of the fat had splashed on to the flames and the blue smoke increased in density .
26 As the recession 's gone on through the eighties and enters the nineties , we can see that the number of single households , households with just one person , is increasing rapidly .
27 One could almost imagine oneself back into the Middle Ages but for the fact that technology has marched on through the centuries to replace rough-hewn bows of Yew with fibreglass ones , equipped with very advanced sights .
28 The Labour Party has moved on to the social democratic ground , it may even choose to call itself a social democratic party — in any case , it should complete the process with a constitution to suit .
29 He 'd been found Iying face down too , and the only sign of what had happened was a slight discoloration on the back of his jacket , as though some of the red dye from the trimming had leached on to the body of the black fabric .
30 A new face had tagged on to the Pistols party .
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