Example sentences of "[noun sg] [ex0] [modal v] be [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was hard to see what future there could be for the embittered and ranting Nazi or his new and pretty wife , other than a steady descent into the poverty of hired rooms and unpaid bills .
2 So long as there is a need for collective decision-making and for policies which give direction to a whole community or society , and so long as or whenever unanimity can not be achieved , it is hard to see what alternative there can be to the minority being compelled to go along with the decision of the majority .
3 For example , in many classrooms pupils can be found discussing the differences in vocabulary there would be between an on-the-spot oral account of a road accident and a newspaper report of it the following day ; or considering the ways in which conventional spellings can be violated in advertisements and brand names ; or listing some of the differences between their grandparents ' use of language and their own ; or talking about the way a poet 's choice of metaphor yokes together two dissimilar things so that something familiar is suddenly perceived in a new way ; and so on .
4 The fall in the shares also reflects the fact that the more Saatchi does to put its house in order , the less chance there will be of a third party doing the job instead .
5 Now we must shift from thinking that human interests always come first to the idea that humans themselves should bear the cost of whatever progress there should be in the world today .
6 I was especially conscious that any resistance there may be on the part of Mrs Clements , or the two girls , to the taking on of duties beyond their traditional boundaries would be compounded by any notion that their workloads had greatly increased .
7 The country does not have enough engineers , technicians and technician engineers to meet present demands , and we are very well aware of the great shortfall there will be in the 21st century unless more young people , especially girls , take up these careers !
8 The country does not have enough engineers , technicians and technician engineers to meet present demands and we are well aware of the additional shortfall there will be in the 21st century created by the ‘ demographic shift ’ of the 1990s , unless more young people , especially girls , take up these careers .
9 Relief there will be from the grind of the daily pile of constituency correspondence and the regular weekend surgeries .
10 Following NN we allow for the possibility that the higher the wage the more competition there will be for the job ( ceteris paribus ) and make this a function of w .
11 If the Legal Aid Board , as the only party adversely affected by the proposed order , has the opportunity to challenge it but decides not to do so , one may ask rhetorically what possible objection of substance there can be to the existing practice .
12 Unfortunately , Randall left ambiguous the respective roles of Wilkins and Franklin , and this later led to dissension about the demarcation of the DNA research at King 's , but a letter of his to Franklin in 1950 makes it clear that on ‘ the experimental X-ray effort there would be for the moment only yourself and Gosling ’ .
13 Whatever theoretical justification there might be for a dual market it would appear increasingly unjust .
14 Burgess did n't much like leaving whatever risk there might be to the Inspector , but he did as he was told .
15 ‘ The more footpaths we open , the less pressure there 'll be on the most well-used routes , ’ she says .
16 Thousands and thousands of tonnes of rock and gravel face us , and the thought pops into mind that any gold there may be in the area seems to be pretty safe from any chance of extracting it .
17 In the case of surveys there will always be some form of pilot survey before the researcher commits himself to the main fieldwork itself , and the more planning there is done beforehand , the less wasted time there will be in the fieldwork proper , and the easier will be the next stage , which is the analysis of the data collected .
18 We do not know what further centralisation there might be in the future .
19 On the contrary : once again it is hard to see what democratic objection there can be to the principle of allowing the people themselves to decide on major issues of principle .
20 What is to be understood as happening is perhaps that , given that someone wants to be Christian , she as a feminist will look for what female representation there may be in the religion , whether or not this is fully satisfactory .
21 We do this by assuming that it is in fact cooperative , and then asking ourselves what possible connection there could be between the location of Bill and the location of a yellow VW , and thus arrive at the suggestion ( which B effectively conveys ) that , if Bill has a yellow VW , he may be in Sue 's house .
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