Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [conj] [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To extend a statute to a regrettably omitted case looks like legislation , whereas refusing to extend it to a casus male inclusus is more like imposing a provisional fetter on legislation ( provisional , because Parliament can always come back and include the case expressly if it wants to ) .
2 Of course Luiza should n't be paired with the lanky and very young tenor ; they 'd have to replot the run-up to that part so that she came into the ballroom with someone else .
3 If you have not , will you use your good offices to nudge the Home Secretary in that direction so that he apologises to Winston Silcott and his family ?
4 We live in the kitchen together and I live in my studio alone .
5 Craig ran his hand through his hair so that it sprung into small curls giving him a rakish appearance .
6 The tears were moistening her hair so that it clung to her cheeks , and they did n't look like stopping .
7 A cool little breeze was blowing , and she shivered as it ran playfully over her heated skin and ruffled the long strands of her silvery hair so that it spilled like spun gold down her back , tangling with the lace .
8 He muttered something unrepeatable under his breath and wiped an exhausted hand upwards over his forehead , a distraught gesture which ruffled the short dark hair so that it stood on end .
9 Without consideration he ripped the tape from her skin so that she winced with the searing pain .
10 The physiotherapist may hold the other end of the stick and direct the patient 's movements , guiding the patient 's arm and shoulder girdle so that they move in the correct sequence .
11 Three horses were being led down the lane opposite when one bolted across the road .
12 Profiles of Development presupposes a common developmental path , and thus encourages the control of pupils ' learning experience so that it conforms to that path .
13 A picture of the American family began to be glimpsed as a super-mobile group that could get together to grill a hamburger only if it drove to the appointment .
14 Prelates , of course , continued to be summoned individually to parliament , and the representatives of the clergy attended parliament long after they ceased in 1322 to assent there to clerical taxation .
15 It takes aim , compensating for the way that light bends as it passes from water to air and squirts a jet of drops , knocking the insect from its foothold so that it falls into the water and can be eaten .
16 But Guatemalans can enjoy their freedom only if they stick to the unwritten rules .
17 Institutional care is one part of a complex range of provision ; while it is right to reduce reliance upon it because of its toxic effects ( which are determined by the quality of care provided and not size alone : Huxley , 1991b ) it must be wrong to remove it altogether or reduce its scale or critical mass so that it ceases to be able to perform those functions which other services can not .
18 One other possible objection is that the difference which we are describing may be real but should not be regarded as part of syntax , rather as a variation that comes into play only when we focus on the correlation between linguistic expressions and external non-linguistic phenomena .
19 Her plan was really just to find the place , then go away and have tea somewhere while she waited for him .
20 This recalls the habitual remark of youngsters admitting to some misdemeanor performed under the influence of another : He made me do it ! , which would be significantly different from He forced me to do it which implies an action one was pushed into by means of force rather than one performed under coercion .
21 Instead I put my head to one side so that it rested against the cold glass of the window , closed my eyes and let my mouth hang open a little .
22 There 's sort of brushes under the car so when it goes round it sweeps and washes the floor at the same time .
23 It 's tempting , when fitting a permanent substitute for the battery , to rewire the existing on-off switch so that it operates on the mains supply to the transformer primary .
24 Nicolo shifted his weight so that he lay above her .
25 But suppose that the creditor accepts the debtor 's old car in satisfaction of a debt of £2,000 , protesting that he would much rather have the cash and eventually taking the car only because there seems to be no hope of anything better .
26 A good interviewer will help you through the interview so that you concentrate on the areas she ? he needs to know about and do not ramble .
27 But I will say this , it 's a great deal better than it looks from the outside . ’
28 Although there was a break in the snowfall , the wind still blew fiercely from the north , moaning round the house and whipping up the fallen snow so that it skimmed across the fields like fine powder , piling up in deep drifts where its progress was interrupted by hedgerows .
29 He shook his head , his hair catching the light so that it gleamed with a blue fire .
30 A 15 ml bolus of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid ( HCl ) was instilled into the oesophagus using the proximal port of the manometry catheter so that it arrived at cm above the lower oesophageal sphincter .
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