Example sentences of "as he 'd [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The wedding-dress was in the faded green trunk , just as he 'd imagined it in the night .
2 OK , so her date with O'Shea had n't turned out as he 'd imagined , but the fact remained she had chosen her old college buddy over him — a fact that rankled for reasons he did n't care to examine .
3 The expression on his face had grown hard and grim as he 'd scanned the paper in his hands , before angrily crunching it up into a ball and hurling it into a nearby waste-paper basket .
4 Carson said that in theory his own place was within the flood basin , but there had never been any trouble as long as he 'd lived there ; places right on the towpath used to get flooded regularly when the tide was high .
5 At the service the vicar said that David Moore died as he 'd lived , doing what he enjoyed most .
6 Picking her way carefully as he 'd instructed , Robbie paused from time to time to cast a puzzled look back at Fen .
7 Had she , as he 'd instructed if he were listed as dead , divided the proceeds of the sale between his three sisters — Sal , now in Canada , Grace , still somewhere in France , and Kitty , God knows where ?
8 ‘ What 's wrong ? ’ she 'd asked as he 'd begun pacing up and down the room .
9 Carson had only just put the phone down after trying to get Alison 's number from Enquiries , but as he 'd waited for his call to be taken he 'd thought of her , perhaps contemptuous of his anxiety and annoyed by his persistence , and he 'd hung up without even making his request .
10 The closest he came to exercise was to open one eye every so often , if someone entered the room , or to open both eyes , smile , and wag his tail as he 'd done on one occasion when confronted by a housebreaker !
11 He did n't always win , and occasionally he came a cropper — just as he 'd done at Masons ' gates a few days before .
12 Pouring the wine , just as he 'd done for Marianne Novaks .
13 I 'd make it me business to er yes and course it was to his trade good jobs as he 'd done for customers , had it done so well , they told somebody else and it brought in trade , see what I mean ?
14 She wanted him to plead with her to stay with him , forever , as he 'd done once before , but this time she would accept and tell him how wrong she had been the first time .
15 Instead of returning to the dressing-room to change as she normally did , she made her way through the backstage area back into the club , determined that he should n't simply disappear without trace as he 'd done on the previous evenings .
16 Looping the loop at a Manchester airshow as he 'd done many times before in the vintage Spitfire … pilot David Moore from Horsley near Stroud misjudged the manoeuvere .
17 The slightly fatherly attendant said he was sure she was safely asleep , as he 'd seen her returning from the washroom at the end of the car and climbing up to her bunk .
18 As soon as he 'd seen Buzz safely on the plane to Nice , he planned to drive back to London , where he would telephone Annabel in New York before seeing Miranda .
19 Lorton had known who they were as soon as he 'd seen them ; he had been expecting the police , though not quite as soon as this , and in any case salesmen rarely travelled in pairs .
20 He 'd known Lucy 's room as soon as he 'd seen it .
21 She was looking about her , her eyes taking in everything , just as he 'd taught her .
22 He fell asleep , but hours later he woke up and felt again — as he 'd felt for a moment in the hall when he 'd arrived — that he should n't be in this house .
23 The first time , he 'd been virtually on their tail as he 'd rounded a bend .
24 Instead of staying with me as he 'd planned , he rents this ancient pile , miles from anywhere , just so he can keep an eye on this stupid female who seems to have got herself into all sorts of trouble over a piece of land — ’
25 ‘ It — er — depends how — um — busy Barney is , ’ she made up as she went along , and with relief was let off the hook a little while her mother commented on how hard Barney worked , and how , if he could n't take his holiday quite as early as he 'd planned , that perhaps it might be a good idea for Cara to stay touring with her , and maybe take a plane to America from Czechoslovakia .
26 ‘ … but , with their parents in hospital , I feel any such move would be counter-productive , ’ he 'd added curtly , dismissing the subject as he 'd turned back to the pile of papers in front of him .
27 As soon as he 'd turned away , Trish slipped in beside her and Caroline angled her head to the other girl 's .
28 Would he take Doreen in his arms and kiss her as he 'd kissed her , Lucy ?
29 Sarella recalled the smouldering look of desire in his eyes as he 'd kissed her .
30 Fine lime trees formed a natural avenue for the approach ; copper beeches and great elms gave shelter from the wind in the east ; should the river flood , as he 'd observed it did after heavy rain , the house was safe upon its hill .
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