Example sentences of "as i walked [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know where she lived , but years later , as I walked to the gymnasium , I would often turn a corner and see Rebecca 's burning eyes .
2 As I walked to the fair I noticed a polystyrene cup , a discarded baby 's dummy and a chicken leg ; hardly a balanced diet for a fox .
3 As I walked to the hotel one of the Turkish rafters rushed towards me with a copy of Turkey 's most popular article about the first day of the trip with a picture of my good self and another British journalist , both wrapped in blankets looking forlorn .
4 As I walked to my car I wondered why the heavies had pushed Toby into the cupboard .
5 I first saw the Baroness as I walked up the drive of Askham Grange prison .
6 I could n't help noticing as I walked up the path .
7 It was a large field and I could see the barn at the far end as I walked with the tall grass brushing my knees .
8 A beggar rooted in a bin as I walked along the riverside .
9 As I walked along the road that skirts the southern shore of Loch Leven , I met two fair ones , a Minna and a Brenda , walking leisurely , having as companion a jackdaw .
10 It was a cold , wet , typically late autumnal afternoon as I walked along the old trackbed , avoiding the many puddles of murky rainwater on my way .
11 As I walked across the car park I looked back at the police station and almost expected to see the figure of Inspector Drew looming at one of the windows as in an early Orson Welles film .
12 Little terns fished out at sea ; I could hear their squabblings as I walked across the sand hills .
13 The following afternoon as I walked across the campus , I did n't know it but I was about to commence my full rehabilitation .
14 As I walked across the gravel to the colonnade , where I could see Conchis was already sitting , his back to me , I decided on a course of action — or rather , of reaction .
15 But as I walked across the jarred and cratered road and sensed the usual quickenings of irony and aggression I also sensed something further — I sensed that my weight , my mass , my meat was being appraised , registered , scaled , not with lust , no , but with a carnal speculation I had never felt before .
16 At the hotel I paid him in cash with a bonus and sent him on his way , and was in time to see Filmer 's backview receding into a dark-looking bar as I walked into the big central hall lobby .
17 His first day in 1924 watching his county , Sussex , convinced him that there is no greater moment than a big hit : ‘ As I walked into the ground a ball came bouncing off the Town Hall roof and nearly hit me on the head .
18 She was alone in the house and she turned her head as I walked into the kitchen .
19 As I walked between the walls my mind was already in the byre , just visible at the far end of the yard .
20 As soon as I walked onto the beach behind the resort where I was staying , I realised its potential .
21 It occurred to me that as I had met nobody as I walked through the gate and went upstairs , there was no need to encounter anyone now , going down , and I moved my chair from the window .
22 The night sky was still fairly light as I walked through the village , passing close to No. 6 Commando positions .
23 As I walked through the rubble in the direction of the road leading back to Amfreville and Brigade H.Q I passed a few slit trenches manned by No. 4 Commando .
24 In my child 's brain he crashed at my feet as I walked through a strange city .
25 Memories of that earlier quake lay on the floor as I walked through the house .
26 He looked at me as I walked through the door and looked to the Gendarme as if to say , Is this him ?
27 You can feel the same oppressive sense of place at Culloden , where great numbers of Scots were massacred , and I felt a similar sense of sadness and grief as I walked through Glencoe where the Macdonalds were treacherously murdered by the Campbells .
28 I could hear the shotgun barking as I walked through the dim , dripping woods from the house , staying off the muddy path as much as possible and walking on the flattened , exhausted-looking grass at its side to keep my shoes from clogging up .
29 As I walked through the waves , I pulled the enemy 's warships behind me .
30 As I walked through the chapel to my pew , a strange thick darkness came upon me , and encompassed my soul .
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