Example sentences of "she do not think " in BNC.

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1 She did not report it because she did not think she would be believed .
2 It was clear from Fräulein Silber 's face that she did not think highly of modern art .
3 And no , she did not think it would jeopardise the marriage although he would , no doubt , be miffed at missing out on the latest freebie to the investing classes .
4 She did not think them greater , failed entirely to see why she should .
5 She did not think to move .
6 She said that she did not think in advance about the possibility of him losing his seat .
7 She did not think it necessary to tell him that the University administration had been obliged to circulate all members of staff with a memorandum asking them , if they had been on strike , to volunteer the information ( since there was no other way of finding out ) so that their pay could be docked .
8 She knew they mated for life , and though she did not think much of married bliss , yet she approved of constancy .
9 Later I gathered she did not think much of my manners .
10 Sergt. Peter Woodhouse of the Liverpool Police … she told the police that she did not think her husband was carrying out a strictly honest business .
11 She did not think men were interested in fashion .
12 Then somehow she was spreadeagled along the seat and he was half-kneeling , half -lying on top of her and suddenly she did not think that what was between her legs was his finger .
13 But in spite of what had happened at the fashion show she did not think Paula had any hand in it until next day at breakfast .
14 She did not think Paula would have liked what she had to say .
15 This she well understood , though she did not think much of ‘ Abroad ’ .
16 She did not think at all of the consequences , only of the act itself .
17 She did not think Matilda was meaning to tell a lie .
18 When he said he was moving to Loxford to start another life before it was too late , she thought of abandoning him but she did not think it for long .
19 It was robust at times , but there was never anything kinky about our relationship ’ and that she did not think he was capable of what he had been accused .
20 He might find it there but she did not think he would .
21 She did not think it good , it was the first time she had played for weeks and the sounds she made disquieted her , but perhaps it was good enough for busking .
22 Later she explored , and the boat 's possibilities seemed limitless ; she did not think that she could ever tire of it .
23 All the dancing that she had ever done had been at three school dances , and in sessions for instruction in the art of the polka , the mazurka , and the tarantella , and she did not think they would be much help to her now .
24 Margaret Irwin told the Royal Commission on Labour in 1893 that she did not think many women were " at case " outside Edinburgh . "
25 Witness could not say how much help in this a girl would need from the men because it varied so much , but she did not think it amounted to much , and no special men workers were employed for it " Lifting is therefore not denied , but its importance is distinctly minimized when a woman is speaking , maximized when a man is .
26 Rita Ablewhite knew this , though how she knew it remained , to Liz , a mystery which she did not think , did not care to question .
27 She did not think it necessary to consider whether the old rule barring recovery of money paid under mistake of law should be abolished , though had she thought it necessary to do so , she would have followed the approach of Dickson J. She considered , at p. 169 , that money paid under unconstitutional legislation was generally recoverable :
28 She did not think he would like to hear from her , or possibly even to think about her .
29 She did not think the masks were nice toys for young children .
30 But she did not think about giving anything to Finn ; he lived , now , in a country where presents and affection and loving and giving meant nothing .
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