Example sentences of "that everything [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Did n't you say that he 'd expect you to tidy your bedroom every day before you went to school and at night before you went to bed , that everything had to be perfectly in place ?
2 Burton 's Welsh and hungry and visceral sense that everything had to be grabbed or it would be lost forever would be reinforced at this critical stage in his life by the fatalistically hedonistic mood which infected so many .
3 It became a rule of the ‘ Carry On ’ outfit that everything had to be filmed within spitting distance of Pinewood — and there were real sergeants to carry on the business of teaching them what life in the Army was like .
4 To assume that everything turns on the exchanging of benefits is to cast an unwarranted slur on many honourable , and sometimes courageous , public officials .
5 The man seemed to think that everything said to him was excruciatingly tedious and barely worth his attention .
6 This does not mean , of course , that everything said in Creole is treated as a joke .
7 ‘ This guy laughed so much that everything came to a stop . ’
8 It goes without saying that everything depends on the nature of the piece of music to be scored .
9 Rachel was relieved that everything seemed to be running so smoothly , not only with the setting up of the chat-line but with the new , easygoing atmosphere in the centre .
10 Establish the tithe as a constant reminder that everything belongs to him .
11 That of course assumes that everything spent on transport in England is a national cost and that the policing of London is a national cost , but we say that once we settle down and allocate the nature of expenditure as between the two countries , disallowing the cost of running the southern region of the railways as a United Kingdom expense , it is perfectly clear , as the Scottish newspapers have often demonstrated under the heading ’ Scotching the Myth ’ — Scottish Television has demonstrated the same in a programme of the same name — that there is no question of Scotland being subsidised in the way that the hon. Gentleman suggests .
12 I 'm such a picky person that everything has to be perfect . ’
13 The premise that everything started from was Andrus 's hostility to anything Moslem .
14 Added Keegan : ‘ They say that everything comes to those who wait .
15 The saying goes that everything comes to he who waits well they 've waited longer than most ’
16 Li Yuan swallowed , sensing that everything depended on what he said in the next few moments ; that his father had not quite made up his mind , even now .
17 Similarly , Jackson , reminding us of the different varieties of bureaucrat identified by Downs ( 1967 ) , questions the assumption that everything contributing to a bureaucrat 's utility function can be represented by the bureau 's budget .
18 When you finish testing , well , as you test you start off with simple numbers and you then start changing some of the numbers , to test other aspects , and eventually you 're happy that everything seems to be working alright .
19 Even if that problem can be overcome , the vendors often then make a blanket disclosure to the effect that everything known to the management is disclosed against the warranties .
20 This means that everything stated after ] the word warranted is guaranteed .
21 The fact that everything relating to my loss was scribbled in children 's school jotters with cartoon covers was not exactly a boost to my confidence .
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