Example sentences of "he do not go " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , y'know , Else always was one for washing , she gets it from me , but Sidney , 'e do n't go in for baths much , well men do n't , do they ?
2 The malaise that had troubled him did not go away until , one day , when he was using the chamber-pot upstairs , he noticed an angry sore on his penis .
3 Nevertheless , he did not go to university unwillingly .
4 An agitated old lady addressed Ramsey severely and asked why he did not go back to his own country and do good there instead of stirring up trouble in the United States .
5 He afterwards thought this refusal very foolish and regretted that he did not go .
6 The next upset came when he was chosen for the 1948–9 tour of India but asked , as a professional , to be paid £250 ; the WICBC refused , Worrell declined to back down , and he did not go .
7 If he did not go quite so far as Eric Linklater in believing that what Mary was doing down at Kirk o' Field during the last days of Darnley 's life in February 1567 was indulging a ‘ womanly zeal for nursing ’ , he certainly had no doubt of her innocence .
8 He did not go back .
9 His policy of moving towards a more liberal regime led to the usual situation which such changes produce , that is , for the reformers he did not go far enough , for the conservatives he went too far .
10 He did not go to the Grammar School , as has been stated elsewhere ; but he did go to Dr. Henry Clarke 's mathematical school in Salford , answering four mathematical questions in 1775 , and three the following year .
11 But he did not go to jail and the story melted into the general horror that was Vietnam .
12 He did not go last year because he had dinner with Bank of England Governor , Sir Robin Leigh-Pemberton .
13 He did not go in to see his mother , but went upstairs and lay face down on his bed .
14 He did not go so far as to offer to guide them onward to Gilsland , by night , since that would have been to insult the Armstrongs , Jardines and Johnstones .
15 He did not go towards the study door because his mother , coming down the stairs , called , ‘ Who was that …
16 He did not go into further detail about the morality or legality of nuclear use or nuclear deterrence , partly no doubt because he favoured an effective world-wide prohibition on nuclear weapons production ( Spaight , 1947 , p. 218 ) and therefore hoped that such issues would not arise .
17 Though his critics maintain they were trying to be constructive and wanted him to stay , Sutton was convinced that the criticism had been organized in advance as a warning that if he did not go , as Pilger was demanding , they would make life hell for him .
18 We were not at a party , he did not go in for brunettes , and I was very much his junior .
19 And again , if he wanted to alter a painting later after its completion , if he did not go back to the first idea and atmosphere of conception , he could never make the alteration a success .
20 On 27 September 1991 the father was released on bail on condition that he did not go , first of all , within half a mile of , then , later , to the mother 's address .
21 Inevitably , the image of his father , the image of his family , the image of his class , were at the forefront of this searing reappraisal : When my father was fifteen years old , he did not go for holidays on beaches , as I did with his money .
22 He did not go to anyone .
23 He did not go to Carolina .
24 He did not go to university but entered the Middle Temple in 1607 .
25 He did not go any further into the room but stood in the door keeping a watchful eye on Evans .
26 His rounds took him to most parts of the building and Rain was eagerly accepting that it must have been Stan on the second floor making her jumpy when he mentioned that since the murder he did not go into MacQuillan 's room or those next to it because the police were usually there .
27 So that on er if you look at the crew picture this is the crew that flew the first mission to Gdynia , Poland except kneeling the second man from the left is , he did not go , I flew the co-pilot position .
28 He might be strong in his own opinions but he did not go haring off on his own .
29 Engels ( 1874 ) , in an essay on authority directed against the anarchists , commented upon violent political revolutions that ‘ a revolution is certainly the most authoritarian thing there is ’ , but he did not go on to consider whether the authoritarianism of an armed revolutionary struggle might not subsequently become firmly entrenched in the practices of a post-revolutionary government ; and he could not foresee that the ‘ dictatorship of the proletariat ’ ( a phrase which he and Marx occasionally used in order to refer to the political dominance of the working class , conceived as the vast majority of the population , in the initial phase of socialist society ) would be transformed into a plain dictatorship and a reign of terror , turned against the people themselves .
30 He did not go straight to his destination .
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