Example sentences of "i [vb mod] say the " in BNC.

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1 Renault is working hard to improve the quality of its products , and I must say the panel fit and finish on H375 DRV impress me .
2 No , I have always preferred to do it this way , though I must say the Missa Solemnis is a very difficult work to direct .
3 I must say the Australian horses will be fresh , just starting their season , while the European horses are probably on the wane now . ’
4 I must say the B-29s were really wonderful for creature comforts in comparison to my wartime flying in Wellingtons , Whitley 's , Warwicks etc . ,
5 This informally described his visits to 13 Corps and 5 Corps ( " I must say the troops are behaving with amazing self-control and good humour in a very difficult situation ; but … the utter confusion in these areas is really astonishing " ) .
6 And er I 'd got a key to get in from the works into the office once I was inside , but that was access to the works you know and er I er I en I enjoyed it more or less and I must say the firm , to some extent , looked up to me and I 'd only got to have a damned machine stop , where the girls was working on this machine , and the bobbin shop and all that sort of thing , and I was able to go look er , down and say look here I want this .
7 So it 's not quite as simple to say that regional planning , sub-regional planning requires er a discount a strong discount erm to the south west of York , I think the issue is rightly addressed and we need to address it , but I must say the conversation so far , and and the contributions , really need to be weighted in one direction .
8 The auditing profession er argues , and I must say the audit practice board 's er er proposals are very , for very passive auditing , the audit profession argues that it 's difficult to detect fraud but on the other hand er the local government er act er local government finance act of nineteen eighty two requires local authority auditors to have er er er a duty to search for unlawful acts and report on them .
9 There seemed to be an impasse until , with a sudden and complete change of attitude , he added with a grin , ‘ Though I must say the wait was worth it — you 're looking quite delightful . ’
10 I must say the old trousers he wears let him down a little — but at the wedding he 'll wear his best suit .
11 But I must say the carpet looks better in the sitting room since
12 Your remarks on the Masefieldian lines go to the root of the matter — I should say the bad Masefieldian lines for in some points one would not in the least be ashamed to have learned from him …
13 Or I should say the wee imp ran into me .
14 And erm I should say the average family was around about four , four mark , four and five children mark .
15 Well Street was really I should say the only industrial part of Caldmore or Palfry , cos there was Harveys had a factory up there and there was a little bit of factory work in Street , there was actually a small factory on the corner of Street and Lane , but the factory area was mostly in .
16 well I should say the like er
17 I might say the same . ’
18 I 'll say the magic words for you .
19 Tell you what , I 'll say The Word and transfer Harpo 's head on to your shoulder . ’
20 Yes I mean it does n't go down well and I 'll say the things you have to do when you when you 're helping to run a club , you have to commit yourself to the club and you have to do the jobs that th presented by the club .
21 I wish I could say the same for ours and , soon , I shall .
22 ‘ I wish I could say the same .
23 Years later I could say the same of my old MGB .
24 I only wish I could say the same about your politicians . ’
25 ‘ But I wish I could say the same for your superiors . ’
26 ‘ Wish I could say the same about you . ’
27 I could say the same thing to you about a photograph of Svend ! ’
28 I only wish I could say the same of some other companies !
29 ‘ I would I could say the same of you . ’
30 Mr Wilson commented on the BBC doing nothing which would do a disservice to Linfield Football Club , but I could say the same about Glenavon .
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