Example sentences of "it is found that " in BNC.

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1 But a candidate not so ear-marked may sink to an F or G anyway when it is found that his language though intelligible is not accurate , or that though he knows some historical terminology he uses it inappropriately .
2 Using data for the Palaeozoic and Tertiary coals , it is found that the maximum rate of hydrocarbon generation for both coals occurs at a vitrinite reflectance of about 1% ( Figs. 10 and 11 ) .
3 However , even in these cases , it is found that there exist at least distribution valued singularities just at these points .
4 If , therefore , after permission has been granted , it is found that Section 26 has not been complied with , the permission is of no effect .
5 When these are issued to patients with the instructions , it is found that the amount of acute visiting required is cut down considerably .
6 When considering a whole range of variables it is found that those social characteristics indicative of a low position of wealth or status do not appear among persons treated as criminal more often than one would expect from their proportion among the general population .
7 If it is found that a particular form of therapy is effective for a group of individuals with a particular pattern of language difficulties , or for those who share a common aetiology ( that is , they have the same diagnosis ) , it may be that others with similar difficulties may be helped by the same form of therapy .
8 In many of the societies described it is found that the collective is emphasized rather than the individual .
9 About the exchange of bird species between closely adjacent islands Wallace noted : ‘ Birds offer us one of the best means of determining the law of distribution ; for though at first sight it would appear that the watery boundaries that kept out the land quadrupeds could be easily passed over by birds , yet practically it is not so ; for if we leave out the aquatic tribes ( seabirds ) which are preeminently wanderers , it is found that the others ( and especially the passeres , or perching birds , which form the vast majority ) are often as strictly limited by straits and arms of the sea as are quadrupeds themselves . ’
10 Frequently it is found that an accident is the result of a combination of adverse circumstances , each of which is normally containable but when occurring at the same time can lead to disaster .
11 Similarly , if it is found that 45 per cent of boys admitted to a regional observation and assessment centre have already been in prison or custody , there is little point in promoting the value of a punitive stance to their behaviour .
12 In theory the entries should correspond with the entries in the cash book of the business ( but on opposite sides ) ; in practice , however , it is found that the cash book balance and the balance as shown on the bank statement rarely agree .
13 When this risk is compared to other cancer risks , it is found that the lifelong risk from passive smoking is more than 100 times higher than the estimated effect of 20 years ' exposure to chrysotile asbestos normally found in asbestos-containing buildings [ 5 ] .
14 It is found that its direction of polarisation has been changed on traversing the crystal from being along x to being along y .
15 Beyond the age of about 55 , to an increasing degree in older people , it is found that previous premarital experience of sex decreases , especially among women .
16 It is found that successive columns ci are then unc Accordingly , ( 2 ) can be written unc in agreement with ( ) .
17 As the succession of similar transforms proceeds , it is found that ( a ) the elements below the diagonal become progressively smaller , ( b ) the diagonal elements tend to the eigenvalues , in descending order or modulus down the diagonal .
18 When the process is well established , it is found that ( with n = 4 as our model ) the element unc becomes approximately unc in
19 We may therefore deflate B , omitting its last row and column and continue the iterations with the leading first minor of B. It is found that , after 22 more iterations , working to six decimal places , unc Thus , the eigenvalues of A are , in descending order of modulus , 12.5 , 5.0 , 2.5 , 0 .
20 As before , it is found that the infradiagonal elements become smaller at each step until the similar transform of A is ultimately upper triangular ( or quasi-triangular if A has complex eigenvalues ) ; i.e. a matrix T given by unc The following point is important .
21 The experiment is now performed and it is found that the bats avoid collisions just as efficiently as before .
22 This time it is found that the ability of the bats to avoid obstacles is considerably impaired .
23 When a man 's vote is wanted , he is in China ; when enquiries are made as to an overdue subscription , it is found that the member was last heard of in a shipwreck off New Guinea .
24 If it is found that the home record is not the one required , the link address is used .
25 If we consider the B II conformations we have created within the CRE dodecamer in this light , it is found that they all belong to junctions of the type XS or XX .
26 This is done for its own sake but it is found that the primary sufferer will quite commonly seek treatment through his or her appropriate Anonymous Fellowship within a few months of the family member seeking his or her own recovery .
27 Experimentally it is found that while Hooke 's law and its viscoelastic analogue of Boltzmann 's superposition principle hold adequately for very small strains ( typically less than 0.1 per cent ) they certain do not hold for large strains of 10 per cent or more .
28 Then it is found that where the i are the roots of a polynomial derived from that assumed for z(t) .
29 In practice , however , it is found that there are similarities between the frequencies of molecules containing similar groups of atoms , and this sort of information can be applied to the study of new compounds .
30 In general , it is found that an allowed transition does not change significantly in intensity as the temperature is lowered , though the apparent energy may shift as the contribution from hot bands arising from vibrationally excited states is reduced .
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